Had an idea for a very simple VR scene, just a person (Look) standing there giving you a hug and caressing your body, maybe leaning in for a kiss. Or in other words, the Look (female or male) goes through all the motions of a standing hug with someone then when you're in VR you just move yourself in front of them and presto, they're hugging and caressing you!
I suppose this could be done with two Atom Looks (one hugging the other) and you possess one with Embody but I don't think that's necessary, it could just be the Look hugging the air in front of them and you simply place yourself in their path. I've played around with this idea and found it very erotic but I'll bet people more skilled at animation and Timeline could do a better job than me.
Just one request, don't include a female voice whispering sexy things in your ear, or if you do, make a version without it so the people like me who might want a hug from a big burly guy can enjoy the scene!
I suppose this could be done with two Atom Looks (one hugging the other) and you possess one with Embody but I don't think that's necessary, it could just be the Look hugging the air in front of them and you simply place yourself in their path. I've played around with this idea and found it very erotic but I'll bet people more skilled at animation and Timeline could do a better job than me.
Just one request, don't include a female voice whispering sexy things in your ear, or if you do, make a version without it so the people like me who might want a hug from a big burly guy can enjoy the scene!