Question Help! Noob loses all VR controls :(


New member
This has happened to me before, but I cannot remember what I did the last time to fix it. So, I was in desktop VAM and, while searching for something random, I realized a few keystrokes too late that the input I was typing in, wasn't focused, and the edit menu was now gone. I was able to bring the edit menu back with a few new keystrokes, and everything else seemed fine so I kinda forgot about it.

Later I jump in VR and my hand controls are just, gone. Nothing on my either of my controllers registers a damn thing in VAM. I'm using a Quest 2, btw.

When I press the left-side "menu" button that brings up the Steam overlay, the controllers reappear and act completely normal. Same as the right-side menu button that brings up the Oculus overlay. But, as soon as I close an overlay, the controllers are gone again.

I've restarted my computer, restarted the Quest, reset VAM settings, smashed my GPU and CPU a couple times each with a small hammer I chiseled out a local stump said to have magical powers, and even attempted to sacrifice a frog I had just found outside, but the little shit got away just before I finished. If it's the wrong animal, I do have access to a couple cats that I'm impartial to, but it's a last resort since my wife appears to have some emotional connection to them. That and they still have their claws, which are sharper than fuck. So, last resort, but totally (maybe probably) doable.

Or, maybe, I should ask if there's a keyboard shortcut that makes your VR controls appear/disappear?

Why are frogs so damn slippery?
Yeah, actually I did figure out why this was happening, even if I don't at all understand it. So, I have two Steam accounts that I use semi-regularly, and VAM/Steam/something apparently prefers I use a specific Steam account to launch VAM. If I use my "bad" Steam account to launch VAM then I can't use my Oculus controllers. They just don't display, at all. However, if I logout of that "bad" account and login to my other "good" account, then the controllers work fine.

So, for me I just have to make sure I'm logged into the right Steam account and I'm good to go.
Or, maybe, I should ask if there's a keyboard shortcut that makes your VR controls appear/disappear?
No, totally wrong.

If it's the wrong animal, I do have access to a couple cats that I'm impartial to, but it's a last resort since my wife appears to have some emotional connection to them. That and they still have their claws, which are sharper than fuck. So, last resort, but totally (maybe probably) doable.
Correct answer, you have to sacrifice at least one of them to achieve access again to all VaM-functions. Didn't read the manual?
Sorry for OT ... (y) ?
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I knew it! That's why the frog got away I think, the gods were trying to tell me it wasn't enough. Think it was the size? I hope so, it was def a little runt bastard. I tried picking up one of these cats a few minutes ago, just to see if I could do that, and I might have to go to the hospital now. Sizeable gash on my arm and forehead. Feeling pretty dizzy too, the cat was probably a bad idea.
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The same happend to me now... But with the Index Controllers...
Did you find out which animal to sacrifice...?
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Yeah, actually I did figure out why this was happening, even if I don't at all understand it. So, I have two Steam accounts that I use semi-regularly, and VAM/Steam/something apparently prefers I use a specific Steam account to launch VAM. If I use my "bad" Steam account to launch VAM then I can't use my Oculus controllers. They just don't display, at all. However, if I logout of that "bad" account and login to my other "good" account, then the controllers work fine.

So, for me I just have to make sure I'm logged into the right Steam account and I'm good to go.
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I reinstalled VAM to another drive, and it runs, but my Quest 2 controllers don't work.. and I use all the keybindings that are there, only like 5... and no VAM controller.. I was having issues before, I couldn't go into the air or down in a scene anymore.. and when the scene is way above me, it was annoying.... Is there a registry key to change? There's not really an uninstall for it. I installed it on my D drive (more space).. and repaired everything.... still nothing.
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VAM is registry independent. It's a "portable" installation. You could move it anywhere, it would work.
Your problem is most likely on your Quest 2 software : )
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I installed it back in the old place and it's working again. I still can't get up/down on the right stick to work.
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I installed it back in the old place and it's working again. I still can't get up/down on the right stick to work.

Possible fix for the up/down control is on the main UI panel if you go to "Click for more options" then see if "Navigate Lock Height" is checked. Unchecking should fix if so.
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