Guilherme Sala

Assets Guilherme Sala


Well-known member
Yo Ghostwalden, here are the things I was refering to in the review:


It's been a while I had this in mind and did not tell you, so it might be time to finally be honest: you have nice stuffs, and you do an insane amount of ports, this is great for the community. Nothing to debate here.

But maybe, just maybe, you might want to push a bit the "polish/quality" part and reduce the "flow/quantity". This is me: but I prefer one excellent enviro I don't need to "fix" than 5 with all sorts of visual glitches that are gonna make me delete them.

We're gonna use that enviro for an upcoming collab, but we had to fix the 4 mirrors setup, the ground texture issue and the seam bug. This is something you could do on your end instead of quickly porting assets that have "bugs" in them. The floor texture could be fixed with any image tool, and the seam bug can potentially be adjusted through vertices editing or eventually a simple cube to fill the gap.

This is not mean, this is not gratuitous, this is just me trying to giving you pointers to improve your releases : )
You're contributing a lot to the content, and this is wonderful, but you could definitely do way better with a bit of patience. Quality over quantity... always!
EDIT: Also, don't put dependencies in your releases if they're not needed. I might not want to use a NC content for my case, and having the dependency on it makes my content depend on a NC asset.

You could "show" that it works well with a NC asset through screenshot, but I would recommend to have AT WORST the same license as your content for your dependencies, and at best, zero deps.
Yo Ghostwalden, here are the things I was refering to in the review:

View attachment 414955 View attachment 414956

It's been a while I had this in mind and did not tell you, so it might be time to finally be honest: you have nice stuffs, and you do an insane amount of ports, this is great for the community. Nothing to debate here.

But maybe, just maybe, you might want to push a bit the "polish/quality" part and reduce the "flow/quantity". This is me: but I prefer one excellent enviro I don't need to "fix" than 5 with all sorts of visual glitches that are gonna make me delete them.

We're gonna use that enviro for an upcoming collab, but we had to fix the 4 mirrors setup, the ground texture issue and the seam bug. This is something you could do on your end instead of quickly porting assets that have "bugs" in them. The floor texture could be fixed with any image tool, and the seam bug can potentially be adjusted through vertices editing or eventually a simple cube to fill the gap.

This is not mean, this is not gratuitous, this is just me trying to giving you pointers to improve your releases : )
You're contributing a lot to the content, and this is wonderful, but you could definitely do way better with a bit of patience. Quality over quantity... always!

Thanks for your honset feedback hazmhox

Regarding to the seam bug, i didn't noticed that there is a gap.
I just thought, that the Texture around the carpet just is a bit brokean and grey,
so i didn't had a closer look to that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
As im not really experienced in 3D modeling programs, i will see if i can fix that.

Regarding to the floor texture, your right, this is an unsightly area.
I had it at first as a day version, so the light on the floor didn't bother that much.
Also an area that I didn't really pay attention to anymore after make it a night version.
But something i guess i should be able to fix.

I don't know what you mean by fix the mirror setup...
Please let me know, whats wrong with them.

Do not worry, it's absolutely ok to point out certain things that could be improved
There's a lot of things i fix in my assets, if i see it and if i'm able to do it.
But sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees anymore ;)
I don't know what you mean by fix the mirror setup...
Please let me know, whats wrong with them.

As in "removed three mirrors and left only one". No one, is ever... ever, gonna use a four mirror setup due to the performance cost, especially in a "gameplay scene". This is somewhat possible in virtual photography, and even for VP you'd push so much the resolution that mirrors eating your framerate would make the task complex.

When you're making an enviro, think first "direct use without tweaks". Most users are not very advanced and tend to prefer already optimized enviros. By putting 4 mirrors, you're pretty much forcing everyone to remove three and rescale one of them for the wall : )

EDIT: you can use black/dark cubes to fix the seam issue. Or eventually simply put a nice carpet on the floor (as we did in our collab).
EDIT: Also, don't put dependencies in your releases if they're not needed. I might not want to use a NC content for my case, and having the dependency on it makes my content depend on a NC asset.

You could "show" that it works well with a NC asset through screenshot, but I would recommend to have AT WORST the same license as your content for your dependencies, and at best, zero deps.

Help me out, but i can't see the problem here yet...

I know, the Skybox is a NC content, but my asset itself is a CC-BY license.
So if you just remove the Skybox, you can use the asset itself for any purpose you want.
Or do i miss something here?

The idea behind it is to create a scene that can be loaded as a whole, without having to add much.
And any creator who want to use this asset for paid content, can just remove the NC
dependecie and work with it.
I know, the Skybox is a NC content, but my asset itself is a CC-BY license.
So if you just remove the Skybox, you can use the asset itself for any purpose you want.
Or do i miss something here?

Your asset has a NC dependency. So any asset having a dependency to yours (the room), will get the sub-dependencies. Even if they don't use it.
You cannot remove the NC dependency as it is "baked" into your dependency list.

I was saying people tend to not be advanced users and like "ready to use enviros", but not as far as not being able to follow your suggestions or choose a skybox from the ones they got in their assets. :)
As in "removed three mirrors and left only one". No one, is ever... ever, gonna use a four mirror setup due to the performance cost, especially in a "gameplay scene". This is somewhat possible in virtual photography, and even for VP you'd push so much the resolution that mirrors eating your framerate would make the task complex.
Ok, that's the point, thanks for letting me know.
I just made four Mirrors becaus of the gaps between the mirrors.

When you're making an enviro, think first "direct use without tweaks". Most users are not very advanced and tend to prefer already optimized enviros. By putting 4 mirrors, you're pretty much forcing everyone to remove three and rescale one of them for the wall : )
I did thought about that...
I just wasn't aware that it makes a difference in performance, wheter there is one or four mirrors,
asl long as they cover the same area ;)

But i will keep this in mind for the future...

EDIT: you can use black/dark cubes to fix the seam issue. Or eventually simply put a nice carpet on the floor (as we did in our collab).
Yes, another carpet would be a good option to fix that...
But maybe a black cube does the job too, i'll have a look at it.
Your asset has a NC dependency. So any asset having a dependency to yours (the room), will get the sub-dependencies. Even if they don't use it.
You cannot remove the NC dependency as it is "baked" into your dependency list.
So that woul mean, every asset with a CC-BY i uploadet, but has a NC dependency in it,
can't be used for commercial purposes, even if the dependency gets removed ?

If so, i didn't know that, and absolutely a point to avoid at lead NC dependencies.

I was saying people tend to not be advanced users and like "ready to use enviros", but not as far as not being able to follow your suggestions or choose a skybox from the ones they got in their assets. :)
Yes, of course, i also believe that most people here are able to pleace they're own skybox :D
It just is comfortable, if you can load a scene and it is already complete ;)
But as said, if NC dependencies make my assed also NC, i have for sure to change something there...
I did thought about that...
I just wasn't aware that it makes a difference in performance, wheter there is one or four mirrors,
asl long as they cover the same area

If you have any doubt about technical implementations, you can ask :)

Four mirrors = four cameras = four render textures = 4 times the cost. I think that it can even be worse than 4 times the cost, since writing 4 times a 2048 or 4096 texture might by extremely intensive on some GPUs (and nonetheless, even with very high end GPU is very very expensive).
So that woul mean, every asset with a CC-BY i uploadet, but has a NC dependency in it,
can't be used for commercial purposes, even if the dependency gets removed ?

No, the "base" asset is still CC-BY. But it is extremely misleading for people downloading the content. On top of that, people tend to not pay attention to licenses, so having a NC in a CC-BY could end up causing issues for a PC creator who did not pay attention.

And you CAN'T remove the dependency. You can not use it in your scene, but the dependency will still be listed on your final scene. Which is also a problem for PC, since their content will show "using dependency X which is NC".

The dependency list is built based on the meta files of the vars, not on what you use or not use in the scene. (unless it's your own standalone scene).
If you have any doubt about technical implementations, you can ask :)
Ok thanks 🙏

Four mirrors = four cameras = four render textures = 4 times the cost. I think that it can even be worse than 4 times the cost, since writing 4 times a 2048 or 4096 texture might by extremely intensive on some GPUs (and nonetheless, even with very high end GPU is very very expensive).
I understand... will avoid this in the future ;)
No, the "base" asset is still CC-BY. But it is extremely misleading for people downloading the content. On top of that, people tend to not pay attention to licenses, so having a NC in a CC-BY could end up causing issues for a PC creator who did not pay attention.

And you CAN'T remove the dependency. You can not use it in your scene, but the dependency will still be listed on your final scene. Which is also a problem for PC, since their content will show "using dependency X which is NC".

The dependency list is built based on the meta files of the vars, not on what you use or not use in the scene. (unless it's your own standalone scene).
I also found it also a bit strange at the beginning to post a NC dependencie at a CC-BY object,
but i thought it would not be a big deal, because it can just be removed.
But will avoid this in the future ;)

I have an off topic question, you maybe can help me out...

When i uploaded a Package with several Var files, like i did on the old stuff series,
is there any way, i can replace only one of them?
You mean the light shadow? You need to work on the texture on that part : )

This area here...
You see, i tried at the right side with the copy stamp tool, but thats not satisfying...
What's the easyest way to fix such an area?


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There's no perfect way beyond taking time to find the thing that looks better for ya!
Stamp tool, combination of mixed layers & so on.
Other reports, if you're interested:
  • Shadow casting from the outside is borked, because you have one side geometry. (I fixed it by applying cubes to block the light)
This can be fixed with a "and/or" solution:
- Use a light blocker
- Enable two sided shadow casting


That shot above is how I make my enviros, there's always a "box" that blocks the external light to cast proper shadows. Then from the inside, the two sided will handle the "curve" around the windows.

  • The glass material on the window is far too hard on the reflections, and makes any reflection probe appear like a pure mirror as soon as you add one to the scene. You might wanna experiment and tweak the glass material to make it less reflective.
Other reports, if you're interested:
  • Shadow casting from the outside is borked, because you have one side geometry. (I fixed it by applying cubes to block the light)
This can be fixed with a "and/or" solution:
- Use a light blocker
- Enable two sided shadow casting

View attachment 415519 View attachment 415521 View attachment 415520

That shot above is how I make my enviros, there's always a "box" that blocks the external light to cast proper shadows. Then from the inside, the two sided will handle the "curve" around the windows.

  • The glass material on the window is far too hard on the reflections, and makes any reflection probe appear like a pure mirror as soon as you add one to the scene. You might wanna experiment and tweak the glass material to make it less reflective.
Thank you Hazmhox

Good tips to improve my work are always welcome ;)

Just tried that Two Sided Cast Shadow...
That alone does not fix it complete on my Guilherme Sala...
Still have light from outside on the board and on the floor...

Only a Cube that blocks the light, works in this case...

Ok, i will give the glass a little less reflection in the future.
Alway not sure, what the best settings are there,
becaus Glass in real life is really reflective, when
it's dark outside. Therefore i setted the reflection high.

What settings do you use in general for glass then ?

Concerning to the textile on the furniture...

In Blender it looks perfect...

But in unity it has this distortion, like pixelated in certain places although the same texture is used

any idea why this difference arises?
Thank you Hazmhox

Good tips to improve my work are always welcome ;)

Np! You're welcome : )

Yeah, the 2 sided shadows are not perfect, the ideal situation is either to build one in blender like I do. Or simply cover critical areas that should cast proper shadows (like your window) with cubes. Cubes are very basic geometry and you can use a lot without impacting the perfs.

For the glass, yes you're right glass is very reflective, but not from all angles and not from specific light situations... and especially not in the case of windows. At least, from an interior perspective. For instance.

The problem that happened is that, since you did not do a reflection probe in your enviro, at the moment we added a cityscape that contained a reflection probe, the glass used that probe for the reflection. This is not accurate. From an interior perspective you would see reflections from inside the house, not the outside. And close to a window, you would only see very subtle reflections from harsh angles, so this is why I generally tend to do very subtle and diffuse reflections from the interior probe. Like this:


Subtle is the key, but it would be less problematic if you had an interior probe to compensate. The fact that we see the "exterior" probe is what makes the reflection feel "off".

For your textures, those are compression artifacts. Due to your base color being very basic, I suspect it is probably more normal maps artifacting. If you're using crunch compression, I'd suggest disabling it for normals if they show a lot of artifacting. You could compensate by limiting the max size of the normal if you can.
Np! You're welcome : )

Yeah, the 2 sided shadows are not perfect, the ideal situation is either to build one in blender like I do. Or simply cover critical areas that should cast proper shadows (like your window) with cubes. Cubes are very basic geometry and you can use a lot without impacting the perfs.

For the glass, yes you're right glass is very reflective, but not from all angles and not from specific light situations... and especially not in the case of windows. At least, from an interior perspective. For instance.
Exactly... the more light on the other side of the glass, the less reflective and more transparent it is.

The problem that happened is that, since you did not do a reflection probe in your enviro, at the moment we added a cityscape that contained a reflection probe, the glass used that probe for the reflection. This is not accurate. From an interior perspective you would see reflections from inside the house, not the outside. And close to a window, you would only see very subtle reflections from harsh angles, so this is why I generally tend to do very subtle and diffuse reflections from the interior probe. Like this:

View attachment 415527
Ok, i unterstand...
Sure, you don't want to see reflections from an outside reflection probe on the Glass.
Reflection from an inside reflection probe is more accurate if the glass still has sufficient transparency.
I try to keep this in mind for future projects.

For your textures, those are compression artifacts. Due to your base color being very basic, I suspect it is probably more normal maps artifacting. If you're using crunch compression, I'd suggest disabling it for normals if they show a lot of artifacting. You could compensate by limiting the max size of the normal if you can.
For this material i only have an albedo map.
That was the only texture that was included in this model.
So there's no normal map active in this material.

I don't know, what crunch copression is, or where to enable or disable this.
So i can not say whether this is possibly activated unintentionally.
I don't know, what crunch copression is, or where to enable or disable this.
So i can not say whether this is possibly activated unintentionally.

Those are compression as mentionned, the texture is definitely not the same. If you don't know what crunch compression is you either have not read this or haven't read it properly.
If you want, zip me the folder containing your current unity assets for that room. I can check it out. (use mega if too big).
Ah ok... i checked it and theres no crunch compression on the texture...
But i send you the zip file anyway, if you want to have a look at it.
But I hope you won't be too hard on me if you find other things that weren't done quite properly ;) :p

I have a blender question that would help me tremendously,
but couldn't finde a tutorial that helps me out with that yet...
But i guess for a more experienced user, this is just simple basic stuff :D

So how can i just create a free 2d polygon and then extrude it to a 3d object?

For example, which we talked about befor, i want to make a light block wall in blender
so i want to create an exact 2d surface of the part of the wall, that should block the light
and then extrude it to a 3d object.

Or i wanted to make a new floor for the room, so i first need to make the shape of
the floor and then extrude it to a 3d object.

I hope you understand what i mean.
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