Forum Etiquette


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I would like to propose a forum etiquette post in the official forum area of the Hub, unless there is something like this already that I am not aware of. There seem to be various practices that some people expect everyone to follow on the forums, but these practices are not necessarily known by new people to the Hub or the forums. An example is posting on forums that have been around for a few years. From what I am learning, many people expect that you look at the age of the post and then research whether the original poster is still active or not. I can also understand that one may want to consider if what you are adding to the post adds value to other readers who see the information. If the new information does add value, it does not seem to me that the age of the post is an issue. I understand that others may disagree with that statement; but then again, I don't know what all the unwritten rules are.

I have personally received sarcastic jokes on the forums for not following the unwritten forum rules. I don't feel like this is a joke of laughing with me, it feels like it is a joke laughing at me. I have come across other comments to new account holders on the forums which are downright rude. I feel that this issue aligns with another practice of etiquette to consider, to be patient and kind to each other, to be encouraging more than anything else. I am all for free speech, yet I don't like to be in an environment where people are being mocked. You are free to do so, but you should consider how your actions could impact others in ways that you may not realize. I am basically talking about the golden rule, and the platinum rule.

There are a host of other things to consider for etiquette, such as the fact that many people on the Hub do not speak the same language. I mention this because sometimes things do not translate to what the author intended, so it is always a good practice to be slow to react and taking the time to make sure of clear understanding before jumping to negative conclusions.

Etiquette is a set of norms of personal behavior in a polite society. I encourage everyone to consider being polite to each other.
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