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Creators Forum


Active member
I wonder if it would be worth while having a creators forum. Specifically to discuss various creators direction, goals, contributions, suggestions for specific creators. Also, for a simple Shout Out. There are definitely some great contributors that fall between the cracks, producing great resources (even free) and getting little recognition and nearly NO support. My idea is to get them more support to create even greater resources, be it free or paid. It is interesting on there patreon pages to see their issues, work process and successes, they have had and would like to see more of that in the hub, as I can only support so many. . And creators themselves could upload little videos to introduce their best work. I have come across some creators through links, that I cannot even find on the hub, it would be a good way for the casual user to discover the creators, doing what they like best. Everyone has their own preferences. Just a thought. I know someone suggested doing creator interviews? That would work well in a creators forum as well. I have no clue if any actual interviews were ever done.
There were some special interviews made, you can see the thread pinned on top of this forum category.

I'll starting by saying I disagree with the need for a Creators Forum. Many have their own Discord servers and for a quick chatting experience Discord is a much better tool than a forum post is. Then you don't need to count a lot to see how many come by the forum in the first place, even though you could have threads discussing the points you mentioned in the forum as is.

It's great you want to raise awareness and provide recognition to people creating resources. Great ways to show support is to hit a like and review resources, small acts that make a big difference. The best support (in my opinion) is not the likes, reviews or money, but a comment in the Discussion area mentioning that you found a problem somewhere or an idea to improve it. To me that is the best compliment ever, feedback to improve the shared resource.
I'm at fault too on this, I can do much more than I do in Hub interactions, the Hub and VaM are also not great inducers for this feedback, you have to work actively to do this stuff and as expected you do only a fraction of what you know you could do. Anyway, the few that are made are cherished, especially knowing the extra steps needed for them.

In terms of showcasing work, well, not sure how a Creators forum would help there, just by sheer number of "creators" the list would be huge. Those that don't use the Hub, well, maybe it's because their content goes against the Hub rules, or language problems/focus, and about any other reason.
Thanks for your feed back, and yes there are some great Creator discussions in the General forum (A few great ones at the top!) I still like the idea for having shout outs and creator discussions all in one forum. (not just creators, but users comments on the creators and process) They will get more attention, and I am not going to spend a lot of time, trying to find creators new to me and then go to the individual discord pages, which they could link to in the formum ( The discord is more for creators with viewers already familiar with their work, ). Your suggestions are good, and I do exactly what you mention, that as well as support many with good reviews and $. I still think a shout out to exceptional, completely non supported creators would be good, especially ones putting quality free stuff out there for 6+ months. How many creators do you think published free or paid content in the last 6 months? How many exceptional ones? You may be right, maybe a separate forum is not necessary, but I can only believe it would help the creators and maybe drum up more attention and support, and more published resources, simply by players and creators discussing their work all in one place. I agree everyone has their own ideas of how to find and support (if any) creators. * I will take a look at the interviews, thanks!
I am with you in thinking it would be great to have more engagement and sharing, you can see I have a lot of messages for support in the forum, sharing resources for free as well. Unfortunately where we disagree is in the methods and expected results.
Taking what you say, what would you consider for a "shot out"? And which would fit as exceptional, non supported quality creators? And what kind of support would it be? I'm interested in helping in improving the status quo, but there needs to be clearer criteria first.
I have quite a number of favorite Creators. A non supported quality creator, I currently follow and support is Karmageddonvam, who has been around for about 6 Months and put out a fair amount of free /Paid Looks and Look A Likes . He has some absolutely beautiful models and in some instances first rate presentations of them. I know we have some great creators creating Looks, no question, some true artists! This guy does exceptional look a likes and IMHO is an artist. My shout out would be to take a look at his work, if you are into look a likes, and if you like his work, decide how you can support with either a like, review, or support him on Patreon. I would like to see him more appreciated and if possible more supported on Patreon, as his numbers are just over a handful. It really is the bottom line incentive for him to continue to put out and increase the number resources put out. Maybe some creators get $ support outside of patreon, IDK. That would make a good discussion itself. When I look at his #'s of downloads for just his free looks, even if .05% supported him even for short periods of time or once every 6 months it would be more than he currently receives. No there is no rush of patrons joining and quitting in a 2 weeks time, as it would show. I really believe there are a lot of creators of his caliber, that do not get the appreciation they should get. On the other hand I know one creator with a niche, that has increased his patrons over 130 in the past 2 weeks, and has not even been publishing resources two months. Which could make another good discussion. There are so many creators contributing so many different excellent resources, I just think a creators forum would work.
I have no power here to block you in asking the devs to create that forum category, I'm just a user like you sharing an opinion. I also started a few threads about Hub improvements and options to increase engagement, some came to fruition, and was quite happy when people commented there. So far there hasn't been much talk here besides the two of us, that is why I think that discussion wise the Creators forum would be a bit DOA. I hope to be wrong, but this is my expectation from being in the forums for the last months.

Yes, I know Karmageddonvam's work, excellent resources. I gave some likes but I'm missing in reviews, will do it today ?
Definitely there's many that don't get the appreciation they deserve, it's a unjust place, no doubt. It's especially bad when some profit greatly by using others resources and provide little back.

Still, what would the Creators forum be like and serve. Can you put in clearer points what your plan is?
I'm not sure I understand the topic.....this forum we are having this discussion in, this IS the creators forum? Why would we need another one?
I'm not sure I understand the topic.....this forum we are having this discussion in, this IS the creators forum? Why would we need another one?
Thank you for your reply and thank you again for all your contributions. I thought this was the "General" Forum Sitting under the Community discussion board. Under it are forums like requests to community and off topic, etc. There is a lot of great stuff in this general forum I agree, and it is all over the place, as it is the general forum. I am just suggesting another forum under the community discussion boards just to discuss creators, creators processes, creator concerns. anything and all related to creators and creating. Not just for creators to post, but everyone. I know I have kicked around the idea of creating myself, and know fully well, its a time commitment with questionable rewards. I know for some its a labor of love, but really how much love does a creator have to give? Anyway, I am suggesting its own little forum to promote creators. I gave some example topics in above posts. This is only a suggestion, I know there are a lot of committed and long term contributing people in the community, such as yourself that would know better than I. I will not push this any further, I just know this is something I would like to see. If the community is good with the way the community board is now, then so be it.
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