Question For adult movies: learn VAM or UE5.4?


New member
Hi guys,

I want to create photorealistic adult movies. I want to use motion capturing and also some AI. Maybe they should also be watchable in VR but I'm not really interested in creating games. I'm asking myself if VAM or Unreal Engine 5.4 is the way to go? I have experience in program languages like C but never used VAM or UE so far. What is the advantage from VAM? To be honest I don't really get the difference between VAM and UE.

Best regards, CreaMate
To be honest I don't really get the difference between VAM and UE.
VaM is a sandbox for making adult scenes. Creating such is comparitvely easy, you can grab looks/clothing/hair here from the Hub, animations are "easy" to get working, you will get something working reasonably quickly. But you will be stuck with what VaM provides, especially graphice-wise, although there is the possibilty for plugins.

Unreal is a full-blown game engine and editor intended to make high-quality games and also video productions. Unreal puts a special focus on virtual production, which means putting real actors in front of those huge display screens with live-rendered scenes that are used instead of green/blue screens these days. For example the...
Your C experience means little for VaM or movies unless you're making plugins, possibly the same for Unreal. BTW, VaM is made from Unity.
I would say to explore a bit more what VaM offers, there's no shortage of information, content, videos, etc.
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Hi atani,

thanks for your answer. Probably the best way to get some more insights is just to test VAM for some weeks, isn't it?
I hoped there would be an easy answer that explains the unique difference between VaM and UE, Unity, Blender, etc.
Since I have zero experience, all the plattforms seem to do the same job: manipulating 3D objects.

Best regards, CreaMate
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Hi atani,

thanks for your answer. Probably the best way to get some more insights is just to test VAM for some weeks, isn't it?
I hoped there would be an easy answer that explains the unique difference between VaM and UE, Unity, Blender, etc.
Since I have zero experience, all the plattforms seem to do the same job: manipulating 3D objects.

Best regards, CreaMate
Vam has a steap learning curve so yes get used to it.
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  • Have you ever coded?
  • Do you think you have the logical skills to understand a programmation language and quickly get the skills necessary to code something from scratch?

Now, take that set of questions an apply them to every aspect of a game development process: texturing, modelling, animating, shaders, sound, level design...

  • Let's say you can answer all these questions with "yes". Then, the next question is: how much time are you ready to spend on that project?
    • If you're a single developer and you are motivated enough to work at least 3 years to make your base "game"/"engine" working but with complete freedom that will exactly fit your needs, go for UE5.
    • If you want like "an instant gratification" and something working out of the box: go for VAM.
  • Let's say you can't answer all these question with "yes": go for VAM.

What you want to do is an incredibly complex task, and a very very good coder like meshed has spent years and years on VAM to get to what the game is today.

My two cents: VAM 1.x is not "photorealistic", but it would be a great tool to test your ability to use a game that can do what you want to achieve. Test everything (creating characters, animating, unity creation...), if all this is a piece of cake for you inside VAM THEN you can think about starting a huge project like you want on an engine like UE5.

The engine and the tools not really matter at first, the skills does. If you have zero skill in video game development, you should focus on building that skillset first, before thinking of the tool.
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To be honest I don't really get the difference between VAM and UE.
VaM is a sandbox for making adult scenes. Creating such is comparitvely easy, you can grab looks/clothing/hair here from the Hub, animations are "easy" to get working, you will get something working reasonably quickly. But you will be stuck with what VaM provides, especially graphice-wise, although there is the possibilty for plugins.

Unreal is a full-blown game engine and editor intended to make high-quality games and also video productions. Unreal puts a special focus on virtual production, which means putting real actors in front of those huge display screens with live-rendered scenes that are used instead of green/blue screens these days. For example the Fallout series on Amazon was made with Unreal. But probably you won't have such screen in your living room. In any case, you will need a LOT of technical knowledge, possibly years of experience to get anything working beyond bare basics. That's because a lot of the featues are intended for working in big or at least medium-sized teams, not as a single person. There won't be much character assets available either, at least not suited for adult scenes. You will have to do a lot more yourself.

VaM is based on Unity engine. Using Unity would be somewhere inbetween complexity-wise.
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