Fixing Iris


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Featured Contributor
Hello. Having a problem where the Iris is distorted. VamTastic was nice enough help. Tried to fix it with facegen, but used manual morphs.

Also tried using "Iris Fix", but this doesn't actually change the tilt of the iris, only the size.

The eyes are generally fine on frontal views, but from side or more extreme views it's very obvious they tilting backwords by about 10 -15 degrees, they've been streched and distorted by morphs.

I'm wondering if anyone knows a fix so I properly align them. Like, basically done here, it's just this one problem doing me head in.


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Yo Starfan did you ever figure something out? Im having the same problem with some of my models. the eye is like slightly oval instead of round like it should be. Not super noticeable from every angle but pretty annoying.

Yo Starfan did you ever figure something out? Im having the same problem with some of my models. the eye is like slightly oval instead of round like it should be. Not super noticeable from every angle but pretty annoying.

View attachment 116921

Hi. By this point I moved onto Blender so the problem no longer exists. But what I beleive was causing it was morphs such as "almond eye" and "round eye", along with "realistic eye" and other morphs.

They don't just change the exterior face, they squish the iris itself so the Axis are not perfectly round or directly verticle.

So what i'd do is check your eyeball/iris/eyelid morphs active and disable them one by one, or all just to see if that is what's causing it.

Hopefully this helps.
Btw if you are using Blender, you can highlight the eye-balls, click them and hit "L" to get a linked mesh or "A" for all.

Then once you have your eye-ball/Iris/eye-lash selected hit "H"to hide while you work on the face.

You can hit Alt+H to bring it all back so they do not get deformed.

In case you're using Blender ^^
Oh thats great, thanks for the reply. Ive messed around with Blender a bit but I want to properly learn it.

I have a lot i want to do with blender in making my own assets/content however i dont know where to start. Maybe I will buy a book.
Oh thats great, thanks for the reply. Ive messed around with Blender a bit but I want to properly learn it.

I have a lot i want to do with blender in making my own assets/content however i dont know where to start. Maybe I will buy a book.

If wanna create assets, clothes and stuff, yea bit of learning. Recommend Udemy.

Sculpting is pretty easy though. If watch a couple of Youtube vids and read the Daz guide to port, easily learn it within a week, esp if you know abit about anatomy, make it much easier.

Blender less "a program" and more "several" rolled into one.

Edit - This is the course I used, on discount a fair bit, can wait or use coupon to pick it up for £10. Not working for them or anything, this is one the used and went through, extremely helpful and well taught if you are starting from nothing.

Also need to learn how to port to Unity, which is extremely easy, take about half an hour to learn.
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Cool, thanks man. I actually learned just today to port assets. Will be posting some of the things im porting so others can enjoy :cool:.
Cool, thanks man. I actually learned just today to port assets. Will be posting some of the things im porting so others can enjoy :cool:.

Nice. On Discord sometimes (Assholeman) and Steam and here and what not. If need help or anything, get stuck etc.. feel free to message.

Blender isn't hard, stick with it, get it down easily. (y)
If you are using FaceGen as the original tool to create the face morph, I discovered that the only way I could fix the eyes was by checking the Spherical Eyes box.


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