Question eye glitch?


Active member
for some reason lately my models have been loading with their eyes closed by default, even if they were open when i saved them as an appearance preset. It's annoying to always go and undo the eye closed morph so the eyes open again. does anyone else have this issue?
If you mean the VaM build-in "Eyes Closed" morph, that's a "Pose morph". These are not saved with Appearance presets. Only with Pose or General presets.

Why the eyes are closed in the first place, there could be several of reasons:
  1. You are loading a Pose or General preset that has eyes closed?
  2. You aren't talking about the build-in "Eyes Closed", but some other custom one? E.g. I have one by REN floating in my library that is classified as regular non-pose morph, which would make it be saved as part of appearance presets. That might be the cause?
  3. Some plugin took control of the eyes?
  4. Maybe you use a Look that uses a baked "all in one" morph where the creator somehow managed to bake the closed eyes in? Then it wouldn't be a pose morph anymore. However, if that were the case you would need to apply negative "Eyes Closed" to open them again. So you would know already?
  5. Do you have Person => Auto Behaviors => Auto Systems => Auto Blink enabled? That does use different morphs, though.
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i notice that the eyes will automatically close after i hit 'reset pose' button. not sure what that means, but it may be a clue.
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i notice that the eyes will automatically close after i hit 'reset pose' button. not sure what that means, but it may be a clue.
That sounds like there's a morph in the appearance that's closing the eyes, and a pose morph in your pose that's applying a negative "eyes closed" morph to counteract it.

Set the morph browser to 'show active" and search for "closed" or "eyes" and you should find the morph(s) responsible.
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