Question Dynamically adjusting morphs based on distance?

Hello everyone,

I would like to make a scene that dynamically adjusts a few morphs based on the distance between two atoms.

Specifically, I would like to dynamically adjust the "anus open" and "anus horizontal" morph based on the distance between a penis tip atom and a girl's pelvis atom. I've already worked out that I need to use Jayjaywon's VUML plugin to come up with a dynamic variable that calculates the distance between the two atoms, but I have no idea how to trigger the morphs with that number.

If anyone can give me some insight, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Yes, the transition needs to start from zero at a distance with a specific value, and end at another specific value that's closer to the pelvis atom. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to accomplish this. Is it something that can be done with the VUML plugin? I haven't seen anything that would make sense to me while browsing through its menus, but then again I probably don't know what to look for in the first place.
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