Question Downloads are being blocked on Chrome


Not sure if it's just me or my settings but I downloaded some vars successfully but other vars are getting blocked by Chrome. Did something new happen? Like the servers being attacked with trojans?
The new stuff are affected. Something is definitely happening to the files. I'm tempted to download them on my extra computer to figure out the main issue.
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Was also getting blocked by Chrome, but now everything's downloading normally. I haven't changed security settings. Temporary glitch server side?
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Was also getting blocked by Chrome, but now everything's downloading normally. I haven't changed security settings. Temporary glitch server side?
Same here. Could be a server glitch. I ran checks on the files just to be sure and visually scanned through the readable files and didn't see anything suspicious. Maybe the servers somehow lost their security certificates or something out of my knowledge lol.
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I was thinking security certificate too. I also ran checks on the files and they're fine based on my limited knowledge of the subject. Weird.
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The issue seems to have resolved itself. Presumably Chrome fixed their bug. If anyone is still experiencing this problem, please let me know.
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