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Question Do I fully own the copyright to the screenshots and videos that I create using this software?


New member
(I'm using translation software)


I have a question.

Do I fully own the copyright to the screenshots and videos that I create using this software?

For example, is it legal for me to sell the created videos using Vam?

(There were a number of them already sold or monetized, but I couldn't find any official wording saying it was allowed. Hence my question.)

Thank you.
I would say: yes.

Like you can create things with every other software (Photoshop, Blender, Unreal Enginge or whatever) and sell it. If you bought the software to create, the creations you made with it are yours. If you made it 100%.
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But I'm no lawyer! This is just my understanding of it. At least a lot of people already sell their VaM creations on patreon, so this should be no problem ;)
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As usual...it depends ;)

If you just use VaM build-in assets or your own assets, yes, probably.

However, if you use assets here from the Hub or elsewhere, you have to check those licences. For example some creators license their content as "NC" (non-commercial), which would prevent you from making screenshots/video made with it, if its commercial in some way. Even if the screenshots are free, if you use it to advertise other paid content it is "commercial". Same might be true if you simply run a Patreon site, everything you do VaM related could be considered commercial as you are always advertising yourself.

Some others, like myself, use "SA" for share alike, which means you have to publish your own content under the exact same licence.

However, in many cases, if you ask nicely the creator may give you permission, if you explain what you wanna do. Usually creators don't want to prevent screenshots/video, simply just prevent that someone else resells their free creations for money. Since most VaM assets use CreativeCommons licences, its pretty easy to tell what you are allowed to do with it.
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Thanks for the heads up, MacGruber.

I have a question.

For example, ......
If you create the original video using only the "MacGruber plugin" which is CC-SA.

(1) My video also needs to be published under CC-SA. Therefore, I cannot prohibit someone else from creating and selling "my video with just a few effects added" (because of CC-SA).

(2): No, you only need to publish under CC-SA if you publish the "asset itself" or if you "embed" the asset in a VAR. (In other words, screenshots and videos are not CC-SA because "no assets can be extracted from them.")

If you don't mind, could you share your thoughts on that? I want to be able to focus on my creative process without worry.

thank you:coffee:
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Oh..., so you mean that since it is "1)", you would need to "consult with each creator" and get "individual permission".

I understand now. (I'm translating, so I apologize if my words are wrong.)

Thank you very much for your help.
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Yeah, talking to people solves many things. Many creators are as vague about licenses as you are, so checking they are fine with your plans is always a good idea. In case of my plugins, I'm fine with them being used for video/image production, even commercial. However, as soon as you modify the code and distribute those modifications in some way, CC-BY-SA applies. If you make money from my work, a matching pledge is appricated, although not strictly required.
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