Question Deleting atoms from select tab


I wanted to remove unneeded atoms from my scene when I realized how tedious it was just to remove five atoms. Is there a way to remove/delete multiple atoms from a scene at once?
You can using these options (non-exhaustive):
  • Keybinding plugin to remove atom with a keybind (super handy, this is what I do)
  • If they're in a subscene already, deleting the SS will do it
  • UIAssist action to remove atom
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Like atani suggested I also use Keybindings, you have to set a key to remove atoms, like Delete, save that as a profile and then you can just hit delete and the selected atom will get deleted.

If you have lots of atoms, a faster way to do mass operations in scenes is to edit the scene .json file directly. If you do that you might want to use notepad++ and set the language to JSON so that you see where the accolades beging and end. Basically each atom is a block like { "id" : "AtomName", ....other stuff}. You can just search them by the id, go to the accolade where it starts and delete that whole block and save the json.
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