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Question DAZ G8->G2-> VAM Jaws and eyes - I'm getting nuts... not anymore. - SOLVED


Active member
I transfered a bunch of DAZ G8 models to DAZ (morphs) with mixed results. Some worked fine, some not at all and this particular one worked but I don't get the jaws / teeth the way they should be. I ran the morph through the "Eye&Jaw Morph Fixer", both with "Fix jaw and tongue" on and off.

Now this woman had her upper teeth somewhere hidden in her brain area and the lower teeth way to far down. While I fixed it so far I just cant get her damn mouth shut. Move the "open mouth" to way beyond zero just made her lips come out. Jaw Lower morph up/down doesnt go any further. Upper teeth row is on a wrong angle, so her molars a grinding at an unhealthy angle.

Does anybody know

a) how to get her mouth closed? What I would like: as the only joint in her head should be the jaw joint why cant I just rotate that joint so the jaw hits the upper teeth at max rotation?
b) why this damn transfering always (!!) leads to messed up eyes, teeth and jaw - and tongue is another problem?
c) what morph to angle her teeth row (not individual tooth) approbiate?

She is one of my girls out of my Valkyrie circle I try to get into VAM.

edit: I tried by closing her lips, but these are poses, not morphs, so after pose reset she falls back to open mouth.


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Ah, this happened to me in Unity. Zombie jaw. Drove me mad until figured out how to fix it. One dev even suggested taking out the offending bone. However, somewhere on the internet there was a Jaw-Fix patch, and once applied it worked. There is a Teeth Fix plugin for VAM. Has someone made a Jaw-fix plugin? Also for fine tuning, have you found the three jaw- related sliders?
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Thanks so far, there is a Teeth Fix here, both for upper and lower. However it seems to be useful only for the author's model. I tested it and it wasnt really changing anything.

Also for fine tuning, have you found the three jaw- related sliders?
There are so many Jaw morphs, not a single one really opens or closes the jaw. Or do I miss something. I played around with the tongue setting, so Upper / Lower Teeth and Tongue influence the mouth orifice. But even with teeth and tongue back in the throat that damn mouth stays open.
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When I saw this, it seemed to be caused by not having the G8 model at 1.0 scale. The G8 and G2 models have to be at 1.0 scale for the "fit to" technique to work properly. There may have been an interaction with the "Height" morph as well. There was also a note posted about making a minor adjustment to the G8 T-pose to match the G2 default pose before doing the fit to operation.
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When I saw this, it seemed to be caused by not having the G8 model at 1.0 scale.
Yes, initially the G8 models (elfs, valkyries) were slightly underscale, but before fitting the G2 to G8 the original G8 was set to 100%, definetively, and they weren't distorted (edit: in DAZ). While I had almost no problem with G8 which I left scale-untouched the ones with scale down->scale back to original are the ones that show these faulty mouth/tongue/eyes.

DAZ Height morph... I have to check, but I don't think I messed with it.

Hmm, I had both at T-Pose, I am curious what these minor adjustments could have been.
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The G8 T-pose has the feet slightly off. From @bllum489 "But there a slight difference in the provided pose, the legs doesn't match the G8 body exactly. To fix this set Pose Controls>Legs Spread to 3.5% for the G8 character."

The other issue I noted was that some morph dials were duplicated when importing a character from Daz. Viewing just the active morphs helps to find them. Set one back to 0, and leave the other one. This caused "caricature" like appearance, but not the crushed head.
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There weren't hardly any face related morphs active at all. I got a better look now without using "Eye and Jaw Fixer", teeth are at the right place now, but still that open mouth look. I'll try the Legs Spread DAZ morph tomorrow.
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I just ported two G8F characters to Vam without major problems. Both of them did need to have the eye fix applied. There is a tongue morph or two that might affect the mouth open problem. Check Tongue in-out and maybe tongue length or height.
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Yes, I reduced the tongue and some morph like "Tongue out and Jaw down" and it gave a slight improvement. Strange thing, I transfered a 100% scale G8 which was reduced in size by the creator (80% of the size of the G2 model) and it worked without problems.

I have to dig into the head sizes in DAZ, as the rest of the body including fingers / thumbs work fine with all models. Perhaps have to move the jaw bone in DAZ to another location? Try and error, I fear.
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So... as a "how to" addendum to successful exporting DAZ -> VAM when tongue / jaw / teeth appear distorted. I tested around 2 days and despite I not really fully understood all the dials in the Joint Editor in DAZ here might be the solution:

Follow the usual guides to this point and just uncheck the two (plus children) tag boxes for both jaws so that there are excluded from fit to shape.


So my morph finally turned out this way:

Together with the Eye, Tongue and Teeth fixer (just fix the eyes, not tongue and teeth) it works out perfectly, all teeth and the tongue are in place. Just the eyes need some size change and slight adjusting.

That was a real breakthrough for me today and it hope it helps someone else. Can't give so much back yet and this might be a little bit.

edit: also play around with tongue and lip colliders.
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