Cute E-Girl makes faces while giving you a Hanjob

Scenes Cute E-Girl makes faces while giving you a Hanjob


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neoajdude submitted a new resource:

Cute E-Girl makes faces while giving you a Hanjob - Maybe she's practicing for Tik Tok?

I'm not exactly sure where this was going. I started it to practice using the different expressions and just ended up with this.

It's exactly what the title says, a cute e-girl is giving a handjob while making faces. Maybe its for Tik Tok? Twitch? Only Fans? Maybe she just likes you.

  • Shorter Timeline animation (about 5 mins)
  • Skip to end button
  • Audio but no dialog (might need to turn it up)
  • Again, HUGE thanks to the Dependencies. Geniuses!

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Would like this a lot more if the male model or at least dick size was changeable. Let's be honest, neither you, me, or the creator of this scene has a 10-inch penis, so what's the point of maxing out the penis size sliders and baking that into the scene?
Would like this a lot more if the male model or at least dick size was changeable. Let's be honest, neither you, me, or the creator of this scene has a 10-inch penis, so what's the point of maxing out the penis size sliders and baking that into the scene?

I'll be honest, this is a creator limitation. I made it bigger so it's easier to animate with. As I get better I'll try to make it a more realistic size.
Would like this a lot more if the male model or at least dick size was changeable. Let's be honest, neither you, me, or the creator of this scene has a 10-inch penis, so what's the point of maxing out the penis size sliders and baking that into the scene?

Just a heads up. I added a penis size slider.
When I load this up, she just sits there. None of the buttons seem to do anything. If I click on them, they just move around. Penis size slider doesn't work for me either! What am I supposed to do to start it? Do I need to be in VR mode? I'm currently trying it in desktop mode.
When I load this up, she just sits there. None of the buttons seem to do anything. If I click on them, they just move around. Penis size slider doesn't work for me either! What am I supposed to do to start it? Do I need to be in VR mode? I'm currently trying it in desktop mode.

I'm not sure why that's happening. It works normally in desktop mode for me (though it does spawn the camera higher than in VR). I'm not really sure how to help other than make sure all the dependencies are installed.
I'm not sure why that's happening. It works normally in desktop mode for me (though it does spawn the camera higher than in VR). I'm not really sure how to help other than make sure all the dependencies are installed.

It did seem to work for me in VR mode OK, but I do have another "newbie" type question: I notice that I can grab her head and move it around while she's doing her thing, but when I let go, she snaps her position back to where she was before. Is there some edit I can do that will keep her head where I've moved it to using my VR hands?
It did seem to work for me in VR mode OK, but I do have another "newbie" type question: I notice that I can grab her head and move it around while she's doing her thing, but when I let go, she snaps her position back to where she was before. Is there some edit I can do that will keep her head where I've moved it to using my VR hands?

I'm using timeline to animate it. So it'll keep going back to the animation positions after you move it. First thing you can try is to open the headcontrol atom and change the positon and rotation settings - I'm not sure what they're set to for timeline, but you might turn them off or on to see if that stops it from moving.

The other way to do it would be to open the timeline plug in, and remove the headcontrol target from the animations. everything else will continue to animate except the head.
Hmm, when I click start I get multiple errors stating:
Timeline: The storable float 'geometry AA Exhale 1' has been removed. Remove it from Timeline to silence this error.
I get this error for around 20 geometries. Multiple face expressions are therefor not executed. Something you can help me with?
Hmm, when I click start I get multiple errors stating:
Timeline: The storable float 'geometry AA Exhale 1' has been removed. Remove it from Timeline to silence this error.
I get this error for around 20 geometries. Multiple face expressions are therefor not executed. Something you can help me with?
Not exactly sure why, but this dependency isn't being listed. Install this and it should work. And just make sure all the other dependencies are installed too.

Hi, sorry if this might be a newbie question but when I change the appearance for the girl, I noticed that her hand grip becomes looser. is there anything I can do to tighten her grip again?
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Hi, sorry if this might be a newbie question but when I change the appearance for the girl, I noticed that her hand grip becomes looser. is there anything I can do to tighten her grip again?

Not a newbie question at all. But I'm not sure why that's happening. One thing to check is make sure the appearance you are using doesn't have any hand morphs on it (you can check in the Female Morphs tab > Active and just look to see if any hand morphs are in there.) Sometimes custom appearances that don't use the VAM morphs (ones that are just one morph for the entire look) will have trouble with stuff like this.

The morph that makes her grab is called Penis_Grip_R. It should be installed with the dependencies. But you can fiddle with it and see if it works.
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