Creating a .VAP file by code


New member
Not really any sort of programmer here, but I'm trying to create a .VAP file for an appearance preset by copying some of the code from an existing .vap file. I've been working on trying to create a real likeness and have several versions of the model saved as appearance presets. One version has the body perfect, another the face. To put the correct body with the correct face, I tried going line by line and ensuring all the body morphs were the same between the two, editing where necessary (of course I made sure code format, spacing and identifiers stayed the same). Granted, I did this in a normal Windows Notebook format. After saving the file as a .vap (not a .txt), it will load the preset in VaM but nothing changes. Even from a default model. I also tried doing this with a .JSON file as a look, but got errors. Could someone enlighten me on how to do this? I'm sure editing it in Notebook is the problem, but I have no idea what other software to use.

Thanks in advance!!!
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