Answered Controllers move on their own, help (Timeline related) Answered.


New member
Good evening, long time lurker here.
I have been working a lot in Timeline lately, and i have a very annoying problem: Sometimes during the animating process, the controller i am working with starts to float away from its latest position. As an example, let's say i am moving characters head around, at 5 seconds its in one place(point a) , i position it 1 meter further at 6 seconds (point b), and from then and up until the end of the animation the damned thing keeps slowly crawling away, following the vector from point a to point b.
This problem happens more often when i try to tinker with curve types (changing from default "smooth" to "flat" or "bounce" for example). Even after restoring the default value, the problem persists. It seems to happen even when i don't change curve types, it just happens not as soon.
I am using timeline in VR mode, haven't tested if it happens in desktop version as well. So far the only solution to the problem i have found is placing a couple of copied frames 0.1 second after the keyframe that is effected by the bug, but it greatly complicates the process of making animations. Any help would be appreciated, haven't found any similar topics, but if they exist, i apologize.
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Well, i figured it out myself. For anyone who might have the same problem, i'll leave my findings here.
Since controllers are physics based, they have inertia. So if there are 2 keyframes with a short time period between them (lets say 0.3 sec.), the controller travels a considerable distance, and the last keyframe out of those 2 has "smooth" curve type, then this high velocity controller keeps on flying onward, since there is a lot of inertia and nothing is stopping it. To stop the controller at point B (2nd keyframe), you have to put "flat" curve type on it, since flat curve nullifies the controllers speed.
So i guess its not a bug. Hope someone finds this useful.
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