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Question How to save edited shared pesons on their own files?

Only a Noob

Guys instead of saving as my own Custom look/appearance preset, is there a way to make the changes on the shared files themselves?

Using auto loader scenes featuring specific character would become so much easier if the character being auto loaded is edited to my own liking instead of going though another step of loading my own separate version of the same girl....

Only for personal use, no commercial ever intended.
You can edit a VAR to your heart's content, it's just a zip file.
If you want to permanently change a appearance in a scene from a VAR, just open the scene, change the appearance and save the scene. Then just name like you want and replace the one in the VAR.
You can change anything you want, add or remove things.

A note on editing VARs:
Keep in mind that the meta.json file that tells what dependencies are needed will not be updated. If you change the appearance and save the scene, like above, then anything on that appearance preset you loaded that you don't have will not load or will be show as missing in the Hub's browser updating area. To have a meta.json updated with the new dependencies you made to the VAR, besides doing it manually of course, you would have to repack it.
This is probably not a issue now, missing dependencies, but in a year's time and if you delete VARs, it may be. Not all is lost though, you can always read the scene's json and the error log to see what you're missing.
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:( so
You can edit a VAR to your heart's content, it's just a zip file.
If you want to permanently change a appearance in a scene from a VAR, just open the scene, change the appearance and save the scene. Then just name like you want and replace the one in the VAR.
You can change anything you want, add or remove things.

A note on editing VARs:
Keep in mind that the meta.json file that tells what dependencies are needed will not be updated. If you change the appearance and save the scene, like above, then anything on that appearance preset you loaded that you don't have will not load or will be show as missing in the Hub's browser updating area. To have a meta.json updated with the new dependencies you made to the VAR, besides doing it manually of course, you would have to repack it.
This is probably not a issue now, missing dependencies, but in a year's time and if you delete VARs, it may be. Not all is lost though, you can always read the scene's json and the error log to see what you're missing.

Not even a plugin which can change appearance to saved custom even when loading the default var?
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I answered the question you asked - "How to save edited shared pesons on their own files". A plugin to change a scene based on a VAR loading is not a change on "their own files".
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I answered the question you asked - "How to save edited shared pesons on their own files". A plugin to change a scene based on a VAR loading is not a change on "their own files".
Yes thankyou for answering my initial question. I appreciate your time :)
Can you please answer the second followup question as well? I am just looking for a bit easier way if any there is, no harm in trying, just worth a shot, there will always be a much harder way left to do in thee end.

Basically I understood your explanation and realized maybe anotherway to achieve the same result could be a scene/session or any plugin with which my changes to said character are saved and then when I load the shared default var (even if var has its own dependencies and morphs), the plugin would auto load my saved preset on top thereby, an end result would be:
1. Click default shared character or a scene
2. character loaded, plugins job begins.
3. Now it looks the way I want with clothes accessories and morphs without having to custom load my own character. Instead a smooth auto transition when needed.

If this can happen maybe I would not need to save different overlapping characters every time I make a change. Trust me everything is already cluttered as is.

Once more apologies if I came off as ungrateful.

P.S. I just want to not disturb and unpack a shared var file.
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No worries. I'm not sure what the Auto Loader is that you mention, though.

Ok, trying to understand what you're looking to have. So, such hypothetical plugin would:
  • When loading a specific scene it would replace a specified person atom, change the appearance to a appearance preset you made, along with clothes, and keep the scale used
  • Be configurable and loaded as a session plugin to do this for whatever scenes you set up earlier so that no user input is needed
I don't know if such plugin exists, I doubt it.

If this can happen maybe I would not need to save different overlapping characters every time I make a change
Not sure what you mean with overlapping characters. Do you mean you create for each appearance several appearance presets because of different outfits used? If so, you should use clothing presets for outfits, this way you can apply them to different appearance presets (these should be nude then).

If you always want the same appearance in a specific scene, the procedure I mentioned before with overwriting the scene of the VAR would take about 1 minute to do and it's simple to follow. While the plugin you seek would need a appearance preset to load whenever you used the scene, the scene saving option would not because the needed information would be already in the scene json; this goes inline with your initial intentions. By the way, you don't have to overwrite the VAR's original scene, you can save the scene to your local folder, although you might want to hide the VAR's scene to avoid confusion.

If you are ok with a limited user input, not having to save scenes, and be able to load appearances, clothing, plugins, and a lot more things, with a HUD like system, then I highly suggest UIAssist from JayJayWon. I use it all the time, damn amazing thing. I tend to change appearances, clothing, and other triggers on all kinds of scenes I get, and it's all there 1 button away (after configuration).

Back again to scene changes, this is independent of the load method used, even with the hypothetical plugin:
  • whenever you load new morphs, like with a appearance preset, you risk breaking something in the scene, usually related to alignment
  • changing clothing is more likely to break something because any triggers used are specific to the original clothing, for example undressing
  • some scenes are created in a way that they load presets at certain times, which overwrite your initial changes
  • some VARs have multiple sequenced scenes where changes might not be translated to on loading
Even if it doesn't fit your need on this question, I suggest you to try the UIAssist plugin, it's a huge time saver and experience booster.
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No worries. I'm not sure what the Auto Loader is that you mention, though.

Ok, trying to understand what you're looking to have. So, such hypothetical plugin would:
  • When loading a specific scene it would replace a specified person atom, change the appearance to a appearance preset you made, along with clothes, and keep the scale used
  • Be configurable and loaded as a session plugin to do this for whatever scenes you set up earlier so that no user input is needed
I don't know if such plugin exists, I doubt it.

Not sure what you mean with overlapping characters. Do you mean you create for each appearance several appearance presets because of different outfits used? If so, you should use clothing presets for outfits, this way you can apply them to different appearance presets (these should be nude then).

If you always want the same appearance in a specific scene, the procedure I mentioned before with overwriting the scene of the VAR would take about 1 minute to do and it's simple to follow. While the plugin you seek would need a appearance preset to load whenever you used the scene, the scene saving option would not because the needed information would be already in the scene json; this goes inline with your initial intentions. By the way, you don't have to overwrite the VAR's original scene, you can save the scene to your local folder, although you might want to hide the VAR's scene to avoid confusion.

If you are ok with a limited user input, not having to save scenes, and be able to load appearances, clothing, plugins, and a lot more things, with a HUD like system, then I highly suggest UIAssist from JayJayWon. I use it all the time, damn amazing thing. I tend to change appearances, clothing, and other triggers on all kinds of scenes I get, and it's all there 1 button away (after configuration).

Back again to scene changes, this is independent of the load method used, even with the hypothetical plugin:
  • whenever you load new morphs, like with a appearance preset, you risk breaking something in the scene, usually related to alignment
  • changing clothing is more likely to break something because any triggers used are specific to the original clothing, for example undressing
  • some scenes are created in a way that they load presets at certain times, which overwrite your initial changes
  • some VARs have multiple sequenced scenes where changes might not be translated to on loading
Even if it doesn't fit your need on this question, I suggest you to try the UIAssist plugin, it's a huge time saver and experience booster.
I get it I understand the limitations now.
For sure I will try UIAssist, thankyou mate.
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