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Olá Walber

O forum é em Inglês e aconselho a fazer a perguntas nessa língua para melhorar as hipóteses de alguém responder.

Sobre a pergunta feita, essa é demasiado vaga para poder responder. Aconselho primeiro a seguir os guias e tutoriais sobre como usar o VaM, este software requer muito tempo de aprendizagem para usar bem e entender quando falha.
Have you tried to load animation that I downloaded and didn't find them why?
Walber, I already responded that your question is very vague and no one can answer it without more details on what you did and what you expect. Details like these:
  • What did you download? Is it a scene, a look,etc? Share the link to it.
  • What were you expecting to happen?
  • What didn't work?
  • Where there errors on the error log?
  • etc
no how do i install?

I'm new to this virt a mate program. i really loved it but i started on monday and i'm a lover of women that this site can do and i wanted the help to get it installed in more detail, i've learned many other things but still some missing!
I get it, it's really exciting all the things you can do with VaM. It will take quite a long time to get familiar with things, how to fix stuff, improve existing content, it's very time consuming unfortunately.

If you haven't yet, watch these: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/youtube-tutorials.6672/
There's a million more things to learn, but I think the author did a good job with the foundational work.

Download the VARs and place them on the AddonsPackages folder before you start VaM. Those 2 plugins are meant to be added on the person atom, Video 9.
Keep in mind those are not scenes but plugins, basically morph improvements over the person atom.
I didn't see the video, I'm assuming it's some dance. Google wants to see my ID for age, no thank you 👎

To be able to have good dancing you'd need either:
  • MOCAP - tracking bodysuit, like they do for the movies, have someone dancing, record the tracking, clean it, and import into VAM. Some creators like Spline, Julze, C&G, ReignMOCAP, etc, do this
  • Timeline - keyframe control animation where you specifiy where each body point is meant to be. To make realistic dances you would need to devote a lot of time and be very good at this
It's not happening unless someone with the skills, equipment, money, would do it
I understood that it's a pity that it's more complicated, I also wanted to know if there will be any improvement in the vam so that at the time of a jump, for example, only move the butt and the breasts, being that in reality it was to move the thighs, back muscles, interact with gravity the same as in real life.
Physics are difficult and unpredictable. There will be no version updates for VaM 1.x as all dev efforts are for 2.x
It's going to take something like 2 years to have 2.x in a similar feature level as 1.x. This is a long and slow process, like it is in learning how to use it.
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