Cloths Advice


Well-known member
I finally broke down and pulled Marvelous Designer down and have been playing with different ideas. Outside of normal cloths I am trying to create a couple generic skin tight cloths, (with sim off), that I can apply alpha masks to for real time writing and such. My normal cloths seem to come out ok, ("ok" as in functional but nowhere near good enough for the hub... its a learning process.. lol), but I cannot get anywhere near skin tight like some of the cloths on the hub. I am a neophyte so I am in the steep part of the learning curve and am just wondering if anyone has any good tutorials outside of the basic ones usually referenced here and the ones on the MD site. Also, is there a trick to this or does it just take a lot of experience to get to the ability to create skin tight stuff?

Also, I think I know the answer to this given the results but how does everyone get a t-pose model into MD? I modified one of their A-pose avatars to a Tpose. Will that cause problems down the line?
In fact, MD makes a digression from the avatar (it is specified in the settings), so I adjust the clothes in the Zbrush manually. As for the avatar and t-pose, I use the standard daz figure and ignore the Mdesigner's complaints.
In fact, MD makes a digression from the avatar (it is specified in the settings), so I adjust the clothes in the Zbrush manually. As for the avatar and t-pose, I use the standard daz figure and ignore the Mdesigner's complaints.

Thanks! I will try that! This may not make a difference but do you set everything to cm vs mm from the start? Does it make a difference?
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