Clothing Plugins

Guides Clothing Plugins

Figured out the issue with duplicate mesh appearing in this case - this will happen if you have two or more clothing items with the same UID, where I had a newer and prior version in loose custom and in a var. Killed one, the dup issue solved. Thanks Stopper
Hi @Stopper , that's again for the awesome plugin!
Question for you about how presets work, I think there is an issue
When I save a clothing preset via the VAM UI, the plugin information gets save to a storables list like this:
         "id" : "YameteOuji:240322_Heels_Katherine:plugin#0_Stopper.ClothingPluginManager",
         "plugins" : {
            "plugin#0" : "Stopper.ClothingPluginManager.7:/Custom/Scripts/Stopper/ClothingPluginManager/ClothingPluginManager.cs",
            "plugin#1" : "Stopper.Shoe_Helper.4:/Custom/Scripts/Stopper/ShoeHelper.cslist"
         "storables" : [
               "id" : "plugin#1_Stopper.ShoeHelper",
               "Right Foot Enabled" : "false",
               "toeRotationTarget" : "24.49569",
               "footRotationTarget" : "-36.33237",
               "heelColliderLength" : "0.7553681"

However, when LOADING this preset from the VAM UI, the plugin information from the preset does not load.
How have you found Morph ID? i dont see anything. I'm trying to use it on riddler thong but found nothing when i type riddler on search bar.
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