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Button press using gaze time - VR


Invaluable member
Featured Contributor
I don't even know how feasible this kind of thing is, so bear with me while I say things that could be outside of what's possible or reasonable.

The goal:

Hands free with UIButtons, not needing a controller for pressing UIButtons, instead, a prolonged gaze could trigger it. A 5 second gaze on a UIButton would emulate a click.

What for?

To be hands-free on scenes would be a step up in immersion, and would be great if one could use the hands for something else ;)

As I said, I have no idea how this could be made or how difficult it would be. Perhaps it's already doable with existing tools and I don't know about it.
Any thoughts on this?

Sounds interesting, but is it doable?

The UIbutton trigger part sounds easy enough? :unsure:
I would use some type of collison with UIbutton to start 3sec timer (on collison and reset back to 0 on loss),
also maybe change color of text/background (when you 'look at'/trigger).

But the gaze part...that i don't know.
-i guess attaching/parenting 'collision' to camera view is out of the question?
(all buttons have to be on same distance(depth/radius/peripheral) as your collision trigger, otherwise you would never trigger them (when you gaze/rotate at)
-does look at target node work while possessing/pov/embody/etc, or it stays inactive on the side?
(even if it does, it could be the same issue as above)
-maybe attach/parent to head?
(or no...head doesn't move?)

You only need to figure out the 'gaze' part, triggering shouldn't be the issue.

I was thinking something similar to this example/concept.
It can be done already i'm positive with the LookAt triggers if i remember the name right. It should be in the same menu as the collision triggers.

You can scale them to fine-tune the area to look at. With logic bricks you can make them better:
1. Uibutton + Relay brick - you put your button triggers in the relay plugin, and you put the only trigger for the button to trigger the relay plugin. This way you'll be able to trigger your button from anywhere just by triggering uibutton>relay plugin. This way you don't have to add triggers twice
2. You can use 2 lookat triggers in the same position,one hidden. When looking at one you delay 4s and show the other one and another delay after 5s to toggle them on/off again. You can then use this subscene or something like that as a delayed lookat trigger if you don't want it to be instant

I recommend to make only one button like that as a subscene and then just reuse it
wow, thank you for the tips, guys, so much to explore already with existing tools.
A project for the weekend :)

Glad you shared that "Mod to bounce" thread, @RandomVAMUser, your answer gave me a idea for something else 🤔
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