this is pretty powerful, great job! However, sometimes it gets very much in the way for me, depending on the use case, or maybe I'm doing something wrong. For example, I have hip control selected and want to move it sideways, so after I press G and number my axis selection, it seems to instantly snap to wherever mouse is, which is bad if you want to do adjustments to current position. Maybe something like forcing mouse cursor to be in a place that prevents it upon activating move/rotation would work?
Another thing, maybe it could be good to have option to customize modifiers for keybindings, or even to customize all keybindings (but I understand it would go against the idea of being as close to Blender as possible)? Due to snapping described above, I'm using MacGrubers Power Handles to quickly move something in a certain axis, and it uses ctrl/ctrl+shift, which is interfering with your plugin. I also noticed sometimes I got random movement because of doing something in the UI, when working with Timeline (guess I pressed something while something was selected, but you want to have it selected while working).
When working with Timeline, this has huge potential because you can stay in the Timeline window while still having your controllers selected, so going back and forth is not needed. Unfortunately, after moving a controller with your plugin and confirming position, it's not being recognized as a new position in Timeline (perhaps because it's not being actually moved with vanilla handles?), so in Timeline you have to dig in menus to use option to keyframe current animatables, but even then I think it sometimes doesn't work because it doesn't recognize new position. Workaround is to manually move/rotate controller with vanilla handles. That's something that maybe Timeline could try to fix, but not sure if it's just engine limitation.
Lastly, about keybindings - as someone mentioned, selecting with mouse dragging is not practical - e. g. you want to move hips only, and you can end up in selecting hips, abdomen, pelvis etc. Maybe it would be nice to just have buttons/triggers exposed to other plugins that would select each controller on the current (?) atom (or maybe selectable from dropdown, like Left Right Mirror plugin does, in case you want to work on more than 1 person?), and then one could optionally use Keybindings plugin to bind things like "select hands", without you having to worry about that. However, from what I've tested, VAM doesn't allow you to target anything that's sitting in the session plugins by default, so I think plugin itself should be made with Keybindings in mind (example being PluginAssist).
Oh, also would be nice to be able to hide on screen text display. Only option is to remove (disabling with check box doesn't work) the plugin. Use case is using VR Renderer plugin, which is hiding all of the UI while rendering, but not that text.
Sorry for wall of text, and thanks for your hard work.