I was checking out your SimpleStateMachine to see if it would do what I am looking for. Which is in a scene with 1 man and 2 girls, let's say that after opening the scene, I decide to change the appearance of one or both girls and then begin the scene, then in a middle of a sex scene I want to swap to the other girl. I want to be able to swap their appearances. I can and have built some ways to swap looks but all of the looks you want to use have to be prebuilt into the controls/logic. I want to be able to choose to move the look of girl 1 to girl 2 and the look of girl 2 to Girl 1. So far, I have found no plugin that can read what another atom's appearance is and load it. I played around with your plugin, but it is WAY over my head! I can't figure out to get it to do anything, perhaps more detailed instructions would help?
I'm building a simple scene to show how to use it for UI.
But I'll build more on it, to have it swap 2 people.
I think, if you wanted the user to be able to change one of the characters themselves, and then when the swap should occur, that new character gets swapped appropriately with the other character on scene, you would have to set up some triggers to my plugin's actions for allowing the state to be edited/updated.... hmm...
Basically, when "Edit" mode is on, and the player changes to their favorite appearance, using another plugin, or whatever, then when that state is left (eg. when the swap state or earlier state occurs), it is auto-saved, and will swap, just like the original character would have swapped...
Maybe I'll throw that feature into the scene too? Supposing I'm understanding your goal... (I'm pretty distracted these days)
edit: I'll link it here when done
edit after edit: ... the audio coming out of these WoW players is so random I didn't even notice someone sounds like they're moaning