I was creating skin textures in SubstancePainter and had a question.
How is the texture input gamma handled in VaM?
In general DCC tools, DiffuseMap is sRGB, and other textures such as Normal, Specular, Glossiness are Liner.
Also, do the offset sliders such as DiffuseTextureOffset in the Skin Material2 tab of VaM add/subtract the RGB values of the textures?
Or are they changing the gamma?
I am wondering because the PersonAtom shaders in VaM are different from the Unity standard ones.
How is the texture input gamma handled in VaM?
In general DCC tools, DiffuseMap is sRGB, and other textures such as Normal, Specular, Glossiness are Liner.
Also, do the offset sliders such as DiffuseTextureOffset in the Skin Material2 tab of VaM add/subtract the RGB values of the textures?
Or are they changing the gamma?
I am wondering because the PersonAtom shaders in VaM are different from the Unity standard ones.