• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Solved 6800 16G or 3070ti 8G?

This is a very complicated question. As MacGruber wrote, it highly depends on what you want and expect.
Even my old gtx980ti was "enough" for several years. But now I have a Radeon 6900xt, because I wanted more.

If you take a look at the new VR headsets, they are all trending to a (somewhat silly) high resolution, and the use are loving them. For fully using those high resolutions, you will need every power you can get.

Saying this, if you only want this for VaM, be warned that any GPU you will buy won't be enough, because this current oldish version of VaM simply can't make use of the full power of your hardware for several reasons.This should be much better with the future new version. In addition to this, the hardware prices are...
Note that the "TI" barely adds any performance....but is more expensive, needs WAY more power, which means more heat/noise for no reason. I would recommend the non-TI version.

Whether its enough depends mostly on your CPU and which headset/resolution you use.
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This is a very complicated question. As MacGruber wrote, it highly depends on what you want and expect.
Even my old gtx980ti was "enough" for several years. But now I have a Radeon 6900xt, because I wanted more.

If you take a look at the new VR headsets, they are all trending to a (somewhat silly) high resolution, and the use are loving them. For fully using those high resolutions, you will need every power you can get.

Saying this, if you only want this for VaM, be warned that any GPU you will buy won't be enough, because this current oldish version of VaM simply can't make use of the full power of your hardware for several reasons.This should be much better with the future new version. In addition to this, the hardware prices are still much too high at the moment.

AMD vs NVIDIA is like a religious war with a big ammount of prejudices from the past. None of both sides will give you a fully objective answer!
Both have pros and cons. You maybe have to take a deep look at (VR!) hardware tests yourself and find your own way. Keep in mind that we are speaking of 4k+ resolutions in VR, but the games are not the same demanding like for flat-gaming, so it is no easy decision.

I am new to AMD and it was a pain to get rid of every hidden small bit of the bloody NVIDIA drivers. I couldn't get my hands on a reasionable priced RTX 3080, but now I am very happy with my Radeon 6900, because DSL and RTX are no big deal for me. No issues with drivers at all.

Putting it all togethe, NVIDIA cards like 3080/3090 are a small bit faster/stable in 4k, because of the faster VRAM (but a 3080 has less of it). AFAIK the 3070 doesn't have those fast memory modules...
Being between the front lines of AMD vs NVIDIA: If you ask me 3070(ti) vs 6800 I would say 6800, if you would ask 3080 or 6800 I would say 3080. With 3080 vs 6900 l couldn't give you an answer, but with 3070(ti) vs 6900 (mine was even cheaper than a 3070 on AMD shop 5 months ago), I would say... don't ask, take that 6900!
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buy fast RAM 32GB and the best CPU (even a cheap 10th generation Intel is good) you can spend for ... then after even an antique old 3070 or a 2080ti is more than enough for the best VR graphic results (only with the over criticized, neglected HP reverb g2 of course ?) ... LOL!
ps: if you think it could be useful, just read what they write those lucky guys with a rtx3090 about Vam VR bottlenecked performances. My best real upgrade was moving to a 10th generation 16 threads cpu. Even a poor 1070gtx, after this step, was not so terrible with a still very good rift-s. But the reverb g2 with a 3070 it makes everything else not so relevant, vram amount and ???? more or less ?????included.
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