Wiki Article 16. Material Options

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Person Material Options


This page covers several material options available for the Person Atom.

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”Iris Materials” This option allows you to recolor the Person’s eyes or select from several available options.

Please see this Iris Materials Spreadsheet for a break down of available eye colors and their origins.

Or use this Cheat Sheet VaMEyeColors to quickly look for the color you want.

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”Sclera Materials” Change the color of the “whites” of the Person Atom’s eyes.

All available options can be found here: Sclera Materials Spreadsheet

Or use this as a quick reference. ScleraCheatSheet

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”Lacrimals Materials”

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”F Eyelash Materials” F Eyelash Materials Spreadsheet FEyelashCheatSheet

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”M Eyelash Materials” M Eyelash Materials Spreadsheet MEyelashCheatSheet

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”Teeth Materials”

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”Tongue Materials”

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”Mouth Materials”

These panels are very similar to the material options available on the prop atoms. However they may not include all of the following material channels.

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For more information on materials settings and tabs, please see the following articles:

Materials Params

Materials Shader

Materials Textures
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