Fixed ( Loading scenes sometimes gets confused about atom names


Well-known member
After loading or merging a scene, some of the atoms seem to use the names from the previous scene. It's difficult to reproduce, but it happens regularly, with different names appearing in different places, even on the same atom. However, it seems to be purely a visual bug, the actual names are correct. It looks like parts of the UI are not updated correctly.
Okay, I got a way to reproduce it. Have a scene with a Person named '1' and another scene with a Person named '2'.

- Load scene with Person '1'.
- Press the Select icon (arrow)
- Select atom '1'.
- Select control 'hipControl'.
- Note that the name at the top is '1:hipControl'.

- Then, without restarting vam, load scene with Person '2'.
- Press the Select icon (arrow)
- Select atom '2'.
- Select control 'hipControl'.
- Note that the name at the top is still '1:hipControl' instead of '2:hipControl'.

There's also other weird stuff that might stem from the same problem:

- Create a new empty scene
- Add a Person, name it '1'
- Delete it
- Add a Person again. It will be named '1'.
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