Wiki Article 05. VR2 Tab

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User Preferences / VR2 Tab


“Leap Motion” specific options

As of the update the Leap Motion dll was updated to the Gemini compatible version which brings better tracking. If you are using Leap Motion, please update to Gemini.

"Enabled" New with 1.22. A user preference to enable Leap Motion system.
Note this preference is off by default to try to fix issue when VaM is firewalled which makes the plugin consume a lot of system resources.
This option also allows those with Leap to disable it in a manner that is remembered on reload.

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“Pinch Grab” Toggles the ability to pinch grab atom nodes and clothing. This does not work as a selection tool. When grabbing the atom is temporarily Parent Linked to the leap motion hands.

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”Left Enabled” Displays the left hand choice as selected in the “VR Hands” section.

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”Right Enabled” Displays the right hand choice as selected in the “VR Hands” section.

These two options are also toggled from the Base UI by the “Toggle Leap Motion Hands” Icon.
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Base UI

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”Motion Controllers Alternate Options When Using Leap Motion” “Hand Choice”

This allows you to use an alternative model for the VR controllers while using Leap motion.

This affects both left and right controllers, not just the Left.

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”Use Collision On Alternate” This allows your Motion Controllers Alternate choice to have collision while Leap Motion is active. This toggle is not affected by
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“Toggle VR Hands Collision” in the Base UI.

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“Always Use Alternative Model (force disconnect from VR Hands below)”
When this is toggled On the “Motion Controllers Alternate Option” chosen will always be shown even with Leap Motion turned off. When this is toggled Off The VR Hands choice will be shown for both Leap Motion and Motion controllers. Toggling this On and choosing an alternative model means that your controllers will always be visible.

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“VR Hands” This panel contains all the options related to how your VR Motion COntrollers are displayed in VR.

This also works in conjunction with the options for Leap Motion.

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“Use Collision” toggles collison on/off for the active VR Hand model. This is the same as
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“Toggle VR Hands Collision” in the Base UI.

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“Link” links the left/right hand model chosen with the opposite side. Toggling this off allows you to choose different models for each hand.

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“Left Hand Choice” and “Right Hand Choice” choose how you want your VR controllers, VR hand models or Leap Motion hands to appear in VR.

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“Sphere Kinematic” Sphere model with no physics interaction.

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“Sphere Physics” Sphere model with physics interaction

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“Male 1” A dark skinned male model hand

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“Male 2” A light skinned male model hand

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“Steam VR Glove No Collision” Uses the built in Steam VR hand model.
This model has no collision and does not work with Leap Motion. It does have the best built in finger animation for the Valve Index controller.

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”Left Enabled”

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”Right Enabled”
This is the same as
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“Toggle Show VR Hands” in the Base UI.

Position Offsets and Rotation Offsets are used to position the VR Hand model in relation to your VR motion Controller.
These settings have no effect on Leap Motion hands.

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”Position Offset X” Moves the hand model along it’s local X axis.
”Position Offset Y” Moves the hand model along it’s local Y axis.
”Position Offset Z” Moves the hand model along it’s local Z axis.

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”Rotation Offset X” Rotates the hand model along it’s local X axis
”Rotation Offset Y” Rotates the hand model along it’s local Y axis
”Rotation Offset Z” Rotates the hand model along it’s local Z axis

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”Reset All Settings to Default” Resets all settings in the User Preferences tab to default.
This is a global reset, not just for this specific tab. Clicking this returns you to the “First Time User Startup Page
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