Wiki Article 01. Control & Physics 1

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Control & Physics 1

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“Isolate Edit This Atom” Opens an Isolated Atom Edit window with options for disabling other atoms in game to make it easier to edit the selected atom.

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Displays the name of your selected Atom

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“Freeze Physics: Freezes the physics on all atoms in the scene expect for the one currently in isolated edit mode.

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”Disable Render” Hides all atoms in the scene except for the one currently in isolated edit mode.

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”Disable Collision” Disables collison on all other atoms in the scene. This does not apply to the currently isolated atom.

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”Select Atom” selects the currently Isolated atom.

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”End Isolate Edit Mode” Ends the isolated edit mode and closes the dialog box.

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“Name Space” By default this will say “Person”. This will display the name of the currently selected Person Atom. You can rename it here as well.

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“On” Toggle the Person Atom on/off in the scene. This does not delete the Person Atom.
When a scene is reloaded with Atoms turned off, the model and texture are not loaded until the Atom is turned “On” again. For the Person Atom, the base mesh and material is loaded when the scene is loaded.
However Clothes, Hair, and Textures are only brought in when the Atom is back “On”.

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“Interactable In Play” This allows the Person Atom’s Root node to be grabbed by a VR controller or Mouse while in Play Mode.
Turning this off means that you will not accidentally grab that node while it is hidden in Play mode.

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“Possessable” This allows the Person Atom’s Root node to be” possessed” by the player's VR head gear or controllers. Useful for motion capture, be sure “Armed for Record” in the Animation tab is also turned on.

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“Remove” Deletes the Person Atom completely from the scene. No Undo!

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”Load Preset...”

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”Save Preset...”

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”Reset Pose”

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”Reset Look”

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”Load Look...”

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”Save Look...”

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”Load Pose…”

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”Save Pose…”

Information about Presets available here.

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“Select Parent Atom From Scene” This button allows you to select from available atom nodes within the scene that you can parent the Person Atom’s Root node to.
This should be used primarily for linking to “Subscene” atoms.
When hitting this button the UI will hide and available link Icons will become semi transparent.
Clicking on the icon will then link your atom to the selected node.

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“Parent Atom” (Dropdown) This dropdown list will populate with all available atoms that you can parent to within the scene.

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“Debug Joints” Toggles a simple box shape that defines the underlying “Mesh Rig” that the person mesh is bound to which is controlled by the “Control Rig” joints.

Please see “Person Atom Basics” for more information.

This toggle is handy for getting certain things lined up properly as well as seeing what the “Mesh Rig” is doing as opposed to the “Control Rig”

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"Performance Metrics" This panel is used internally for optimizing the game.

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”Preset Locks Overview” Opens a new window, shown below. What it does is Lock parameters covered by the selected preset group.

If you click Clothing Presets, it prevents all parameters covered by clothing presets from being changed by another preset load other than clothing presets.

It is to prevent all other types of preset loads from changing the values of the locked preset.

It does not lock out changes of parameters manually by the user or by triggers.

Be aware that it is best to always save your scene before making any major changes to it.

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”Keep Preset Parameter Locks Between Scene Loads” Toggling this on keeps the locked presets in the ”Preset Locks Overview” panel set between scene loads. This does not save locks when the game is shutdown.

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”Detach Person Root Control” Toggling this on allows you to detach the Root node from the person atom so that you can reposition it without affecting the person atom’s pose and orientation within the scene.

Be sure to toggle this off again when you are done.

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”Only Show Favorite Morphs in Parameter Lists” This limits parameter lists, like in triggers, to only show morphs and poses that have been tagged as “favorite” See "Person Morphs” for more specific information.

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“Collision” This toggles the collision on and off for the entire Person Atom. This is very handy for positioning the person in the scene without colliding with any placed props.

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“Advanced Colliders” Toggles the advanced colliders on the atom model. The Advanced Colliders affect collisions with Clothing and Hair.

This screenshot is taken using the Plugin “Acid Bubbles Collider Editor” available on the Hub.

The left hand side is with “Advanced Colliders” toggled On, the right hand side has them toggled Off.

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“Soft Body Physics” Toggles the Soft Body Physics On/Off. Soft body physics primarily affect the skin deformations on the Breasts, Glutes and Gens.

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“Freeze Physics” Toggling this on turns off all the physics on the person atom. Making the Person Atom entirely non collidable.

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”Freeze Physics While Grabbing” This is On by default and automatically turns off all physics interactions when grabbing the Person Root node and moving or rotating it within the scene.
Please note that this has no effect when using the buttons within the Move Tab.

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”Physics Explosion Recovery (Resets pose and resets all physics objects over several frames to recover)”

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”Scale” This adjusts the scale of the person atom. From a minimum of “0.010” to a maximum of “10.000” Default is “1.000” which makes our default Person atom approximately 6’ tall or 183cm

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”Unload Inactive Objects (will free memory, but customizations on inactive items will be lost)”

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”Export OBJ and MTL files (Look in root folder after click” Clicking this button will export two separate OBJ model files and their associated MTL material settings into the root folder of your VaM install location.
The files will be named with the name of the Skin Material applied, for example “renlexi, or “female3-Olympia”.
The files exported are just the model with morphs applied and the current skin UV’s. Hair, Clothing, Textures, Animations and any scene props are not exported.
The first obj file will have the character model in the base T-pose with no poses or scaling applied, the second obj file will have the suffix “_skinned” and will have the model in its current control joint pose, including morph poses and any scaling changes applied.
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