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  1. stylesi

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    Thanks a lot! I'll test this out today :) Also noticed this cool YT tutorial on this:
  2. stylesi

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    Is it intentional that there are no uploaded "pico_tracker_left_knee_profile.json" or "pico_tracker_right_knee_profile.json" files at all? Yet those are being referred to in "pico_tracker_profile.json" file.
  3. stylesi

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    Did you edit the 1st message? What was changed, what can we test and how?
  4. stylesi

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    But then my elbows disappear: I want to have 8 points tracked, which is VaM's maximum: feet (ankles), knees, elbows, waist and chest.
  5. stylesi

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    Thanks a lot, you're awesome!! Howver, can you upload the files with changes to enable both knees also. I did try changing json to this: BUT knees wont show up in VaM at all. What should I do to fix? Give dummy instructions pls or the files :)
  6. stylesi

    Other VAR Manager

    Ohh, is this a joke? UI needs improving, it's way too confusing tbh.
  7. stylesi

    Other VAR Manager

    Why would it destroy that? Also, there is a working fork @ Theres not a single time Bill-Prime's var manager has worked for me, I am sorry.
  8. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Should you use the 32bit dll version instead?
  9. stylesi

    Plugins MetaChat

    Good news, because we also have a working alternative (successor) to play any scene in Vam multiplayer! This new multiplayer Vam plugin, has been named as "Vam Multiplayer Revamped". In short, we call it 'vammp revamped'. Developer is a hero called Elbios. In the vammp revamped Discord, there...
  10. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Would launching a bat file like this work (without having SteamVR open)? "C:\Program Files\Virtual Desktop Streamer\VirtualDesktop.Streamer.exe" "X:\VAM\VaM.exe" -vrmode OpenXR
  11. stylesi

    FPS problem

    Are you using the CPU patch? (you really should)
  12. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    All praise the genius of turtlebackgoofy, can't wait to see the new update!! Any ETA to throw to us worshippers?
  13. stylesi

    Voxta AI

    Many new Voxta videos can be found from here: Asmongold's publicity has brought lot of new users too.
  14. stylesi

    Plugins FaceBlend

    Please do, thank you!!
  15. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    But did you notice any fps difference when using it? Has someone tested vrperfkit?
  16. stylesi

    Plugins FaceBlend

    Sounds cool. Does this support AltFuta by any chance?
  17. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Nice! Also, feelfar's varManager allows sorting vars by morph count to find the offenders.
  18. stylesi

    Guides anatomy of a VAR

    What impacts does deleting all dependencies from meta.json:s in you var library have? VamToolBox has this function under 'var fixers' for example.
  19. stylesi

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    awww, beta is stable for me! Is your Performance mod btw compatible with FSR mod? I.e. this Or this fork of Vrperfkit (original is from fholger too): So the question obviously is, that can you use these (or...
  20. stylesi

    Chatbots for VAM

    Old thread, but check Voxta - it works well and is constantly developed:
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