-10 new animations, the last couple will likely get further tweaks in the next update.
-UI moved to the left wall which should have it out of the way so you aren't looking at numbers during sex.
-You can now turn off the fire and secondary light (might help with performance for some). Keep in mind that lighting is getting animated along with positions so turning off fire and secondary light might make it hard to see what is going on in some animations as these were initially set up with the fire being there (might have to revisit light positions in future updates).
-You can now turn off old style room which swaps in some very simple floor/walls instead (might help with performance for some).
-I disabled some built-in furniture for the old style room that had a built-in mirror (might help with performance for some).
-Animations with cumshots now have their numbers highlighted in pink similar to the
C key.
-The female squirts now when she has an orgasm (for now if you don't want this disable plugin#7_PersonFluidEditorPlugin on her, but will likely get a button next update).
-adjustments to several old animations.