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Virani (elf)

Looks Virani (elf) 6

Thanks @pikachu for the feedback on the problem with the automatic morphs that are unwanted.
they are deleted.
I'm sorry for the delay some textures are no longer available for download.
Thank you 3DGapeGirls for your feedback!

I allowed myself to add everything in the last version.

List of change:

- Update of postMagic, to have a nicer rendering (useless, but prettier)
- Update of the name of the model, it's Virani now quite simply, we will avoid the parentheses and the queen ;)
- Addition of Virani in the "appearances presets", you can now load it in your scenes directly.
- Adding all necessary textures

I have a little problem with version 3, so we go to 4 directly :ROFLMAO:
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