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Play your favorite videos from your computer inside any VAM scene. Scene file and Sub Scene file included to easily add it to any VAM scene.

This uses the built in Unity Video Player to play videos directly from your PC hard drive inside VAM. It supports most video formats including mp4, mpg, m4v, mpeg, webm, wmv, vp8, ogv, mov, dv, avi and asf. It does not support all MP4 files or file types because there are some variations that use codecs that are not free and media player companies or users have to pay to use that codec. For those videos you will get a white screen and will want to hit next to skip them. You can read more documentation on that directly from Unity:

This is a note directly from Windows Media Player. You can open your video in that to check the codec:
"To determine what codec was used with a specific file, play the file in the Player, if possible. While the file is playing, right-click the file in the library, and then select Properties. On the File tab, look at the Audio codec and Video codec sections."

The videos used in these screenshot examples can be downloaded here under the Landscapes section:

Background/BG On (Tablet Mode)
Tablet mode uses Timeline to resize it: 1X, 2X, 5X with buttons.


Easily change your tablet colors by navigating to MainViewLayer1 to change the tablet frame color and MainViewLayer2 to change the tablet border and back casing.


Background/BG Off

5 Screen Horizontal

5 Screen Vertical


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Navigate to: VideoScreen atom / Plugins tab
On VideoController Plugin click Reload button to refresh it.

Click Open Custom UI
Click Browse To Folder
e.g. (VAM/Custom/Videos/Favorites)
Click into Folder to Open It (will show empty)
Click Select button (it will select all inside)
Click Refresh List button
Click Play on Plugin and Close it

Click Play/Pause on Video Player to Auto Align Screen Settings
Make sure Freeze Motion/Sound in VAM is unchecked

? = View/Hide Instructions
BG = Hide Tablet Background
X = Hide Video Player Control Buttons
Curve = Curve Video Screen In and Back

1S = 1 Screen (Default/Start)
5S H = 5 Screens Horizontal Orientation
5S V = 5 Screens Vertical Orientation

Shuffle = Randomize Video Playback (not alphabetical)
Play/Pause = Plugin uses same trigger for play and pause and it functions like a toggle.
Stop = Stop all Videos
Next = Skip to Next Video
Loop = Loop Video/Replay Video

Video Vol = The plugin plays videos that are local so it does not go to Audio Source or need an Audio Source atom. The plugin uses a separate audio slider inside the plugin.
Scene Vol = This is optional and can be mapped to your AudioSource or MusicSource in your scene.

1X = Default Video Screen Size at 1.0
2X = Video Screen Size at 2.0
5X = Video Screen Size at 5.0 (High System Requirements if used with multiple screens)

If you have any issues read the Notes tab.

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> > > > > > > IMPORTANT NOTES < < < < < < <

On the Plugins tab you want to click the Green reload button before you click Open Custom UI to set your folder path.


Inside Open Custom UI, you start by clicking "Browse To Folder". If it doesn't let you select a folder, you need to go back and click the Reload button first.

After you select the folder click Refresh List then the Play button within the plugin which activates it so it plays audio. Then click close to return to the player. Toggle Play/Pause on the Video Player and it will realign the video to the layout.


The downside of clicking the Reload button is it resets all of the plugin settings. This is why the screen jumps off the background and back to its default loading location until you click the Play button on the Video Player.

I have updated all the buttons to remap everything back to their settings so you can click reload and choose another folder without having to manually update it each time. The Video Controller buttons will auto align and fix the settings back with built in triggers on the buttons.

Not all video file types are supported. If a video loads blank or white, you can try clicking Play/Pause to try to refresh it and make sure it is playing. If it won't play, click the Next button and skip it as it's not supported. The Video Player can play 4k videos however there are multiple versions of MP4 with different codecs so you will see some that may work and some won't.

The plugin has an option for 13 screens and "Audio on All Screens" but it has a high chance to crash and requires reloading the plugin and resetting your file path.

"Audio on All Screens" in my testing is not reliable, which is why I removed the trigger button for it. Having it on then switching from 5 screens to 1 screen crashes the audio or mutes it. Using a trigger to click it while playing does not always turn it on. It is an issue with the plugin that needs to be updated. The workaround is to Reload the plugin, check to turn it on in the plugin settings, then click play and it will start with it on. From there you can test it out. If you leave it on just one setting it should be fine but in a menu that allows switching between multiple like this it crashes.

How to add it to an existing VAM Scene
There are two ways to load it on a scene: Merge Load Scene or load it as a Sub Scene. Merge load will load it with your changes in your save file. Load Sub Scene will load the default settings.

Option 1: Merge Load Scene
Open the Video Player scene file.
Optional: Make your adjustments/test it out if you like and re-save it with your own scene file name.
Click Edit Mode, Open Main UI, File (Open/Save) tab, Click Merge Load Scene button.
Select the Scene to merge it with.
Click x to close the UI window.


Option 2: Load SubScene
On an existing scene you have open, add a Sub Scene atom.
Click Edit Mode, Open Add Atom Menu, Select Misc, Select SubScene, Check Select Atom On Add, Click Add Atom.


Click Load Existing Button.


Click on AddonPackages Filtered and search for "VamEssentials" to find VamEssentials.Video_Player folder. Open it and and click the Video Player sub scene folder inside it. Then click on the Video Player.json file.


A very special thanks to Acid Bubbles, FeiFongWong and hazmhox!

AcidBubbles.Timeline.287 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link: https://github.com/acidbubbles/vam-timeline

FeiFongWong.VideoControllerUIT.2 By: FeiFongWong License: CC BY Link: https://github.com/FFongWong/VideoControllerUIT

hazmhox.vamcui.1 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA

Gnome Desktop Icons (Media Icons/Buttons)
GNU General Public License version 2
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Creator Support Link
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
FeiFongWong FeiFongWong
hazmhox hazmhox
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