YESSSS! This just made my whole day! Awesome job on the teeth and I love the rainbow effect on the scales. Thank you!
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I don't even like Undyne, but I have to say that this is an impressive look. Good texture, good proportions, looks pretty damn close to the source. I'm impressed!
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wow, the scaly skin texture is amazing!
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Gotta say, the iridescent specular texture is a nice touch.
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This is incredible work and one of my favorite models
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Damn it you beat me at this. I was trying to get her out of morphs but this looks way better! Is there a tutorial for the teeth as clothing somewhere. I was just wondering if it would have been feasible since I was trying to make some crocodile-girl XD
Yeah I actually had Joyboy show me the ropes on discord dms for it, but basically you make a morph that seperates the teeth from the gums, and moves everything WAY away from the actual body. From there you'll have your isolated gums floating in space, and you position your teeth in daz to match up with the gums. The in VaM you use that previous morph to isolate the gums, and import the clothing being sure to select (wrap to vertices).

If all goes well you'll ha e the teeth as clothing that's only attached to the gums, and from there will work on any morph. In mine I hid the actual teeth above the gum line in the final morph.
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