• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
UIAssist (Patrons)

Paid Plugins + Scripts UIAssist (Patrons)

New Features;
  • New button operations to open BrowserAssist. Options to specify the Resource Type to open with.
  • PATREONS ONLY: Specify Browser Assist filter options when using the Choose from BrowserAssist option for selecting Presets etc.
  • New button operations to Parent and Unparent atoms to other atoms (e.g. SubScenes).
  • Improved the "Load Mocap from Scene" operation. When importing mocaps direct from Scene files, any node parenting on the source atom is imported to the target atom. This was breaking a number of well known mocaps when imported into other scenes.
  • Improved the "Teleport Atom" operation to allow target locations relative to another atom.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed some issue that was causing error messages when certain scenes were loading
Minor bug fix release:
  • Fixed an issue with the Real Clothing options making appearance presets not always load correctly
  • Fixed a bug that broke UIAssist with older versions of VAM
This version provides a number of features related to the 'Real Clothing' toggle that was introduced in VAM 1.21 recently. In the lastest version of VAM, every clothing item now has a toggle on the standard VAM clothing Adjustments page to indicate if the clothing item is "Real". By default every clothing item is set to be "Real". The intention of the toggle is to differentiate clothing items that are not real such as Hunting-Succubus' Eye Shading clothing items. These items (although implemented as VAM clothing items) are features of the persons anatomy rather than a worn clothing item. The only use of this differentiation that Meshed has implemented appears to be the option in the Clothing browser to "Remove All Real Clothing". This version of UIAssist extends that principle to a number of additional functions.

Note that the 'Real Clothing' toggle is only persisted when a piece of clothing is first created or it is subsequently modified and then saved in a scene or a preset.

New Features:
  • Introduced an 'Only Suppress Real Clothing' toggle as part of the Appearance Preset Load operation. This will mean that any non real clothing items are loaded as part of an appearance preset load - even when other real clothing items are suppressed.
  • Introduced an 'Only replace Real Clothing' toggle as part of the Clothing Preset Load operation. This means that non real clothing items are kept when a new Clothing Preset is loaded.
  • Added an 'Only remove Real Clothing' toggle as part of the Remove All Clothing operation. This means that non real clothing items are kept when clothing is removed.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed a bug when setting up Spawn Atom operations, that was giving the Animation Preset as an option rather than Appearance Presets
  • Fixed a bug where the Spawn Atom operation was not working with the Choose from BA option for preset loading.
  • Fixed a problem with the Default profile for new UIAssist users not showing thumbnail images
  • Fixed a bug in VR with switching between VAMUI and Wrist attached modes. Results in UI being hidden under certain conditions.
New Features:
  • Implemented support to load non-person atom presets from BrowserAssist (requires BA v1.12). Use the button operation 'Load General Preset' and select a target atom of the required type.
  • Scenes can now be opened using BrowserAssist options.
  • New button operation to load Person Animation Presets.
New Features:
  • UIAssist can now be docked to the main VAM UI in VR. I'd recommend trying this mode for VR usage, as I find it better than docking to the wrist. It's easy to seamlessly switch between the VAM UI, UIAssist and BrowserAssist (requires v1.11.4 or higher). Can be activated from VR Settings in the plugin UI.
  • An additional row of Quick Launch buttons can now be configured
  • Additional button operations to set the VAM Performance settings for enabling mirror reflections.
Minor bug fix for an issue that I thought was fixed in the last release:
  • Bug fix: resolved an issue with toggle buttons and the 'user chosen' target atoms setting. These stopped working when a new scene was loaded.
  • PATREONS ONLY: For all Preset loading, there is an additional option to chose a file by launching BrowserAssist. When the operation is triggered, a BrowserAssist window appears to filter and select a resource of the specific type. Requires at least BrowserAssist v1.11 to be loaded as a Session plugin.
  • Bug fix: Resolved issue causing a crash on uiap load where the 'SavePreset' toggle was true on an Empty button operation. This only occured where a button had been changed from a Preset Save function to an 'Empty' button operation.
  • Bug fix: resolved an issue with toggle buttons and the 'user chosen' target atoms setting. These stopped working when a new scene was loaded.
  • Bug fix: resolved an issue with 'Merge Clothing Presets' operation that was causing VAM basic clothing items to load. This only manifested since VAM v1.21.x
  • Bug fix: resolved an issue with Teleport player in Desktop resulting in titled camera views if height was set higher than 0
  • Bug fix: Unload all plugins operation wasnt working when save/restored from uiap
  • Bug Fix: DecalMaker operations were causing an error on target atoms with no plugins loaded
  • PATREONS ONLY: For all Preset loading, there are now two additional options to load a file based on the results of BrowserAssist filter. The file can be randomly selected or each button activation can cycle sequentially through the BrowserAssist filter results. The BrowserAssist filter parameters such as Tag and Creator can be used to refine the selected files. Requires at least BrowserAssist v1.10 to be loaded as a Session plugin.
  • New Button Operation to open the Plugin UI of a specific plugin type
  • Bug fixes to resolve Performance Operations that change Pixel Light Count and Smooth Passes not being able to set to all values
New features:
  • (Patreons Only) Complete rework of the Active Clothing Editor (button Operation under Clothing). This now includes a thumbnail image of each clothing item and allows more granular control of physics settings. The target person can also be switched on the ACE window.
  • (Patreons Only) Really powerful new feature where Clothing Item Presets can now be rapidly selected from the Active Clothing Editor in a mini browser. These are not the same as Person Clothing presets, but allow switching of different presets for a specific clothing item.
  • The UIAssist UI now automatically hides when a VAM screenshot is being taken.
  • The Target Atom Selector window (which allows a specific atom to be selected at the point of button activation) now has a 'Keep Open' toggle. This allows the same actions to be performed rapidly on more than one atom.
  • Additional button operations for nearly all the VAM Performance settings e.g. Higher quality physics, MSAA, render scale etc.
  • New button operations to manually enable, disable or toggle Leap Motion VR control.
  • Enhanced the auto enable leap motion (based on VR Controller proximity) function so that it can operate on either hand separately.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed certain node physics values that were failing to persist in the UIA profiles
  • Fixed various issues with button operations for loading scene and session plugin presets.
  • Fixed a Load Plugin operation problem that prevented the initial data to be set from a Scene plugin.
  • Fixed an error that was occurring when dragging buttons between grids using the UIA Edit mode (hold down on the clock button to activate this mode)
Small bug fix release to rectify a problem with Mocap loading from scenes that was introduced in the previous release.
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