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UIAssist (Patrons)

Paid Plugins UIAssist (Patrons)

This it THE PLUGIN you just need to have if you want to get things done fast. With this plugin you can do everything you do often in VAM with just one click. Amazing!
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An absolute must-have for VAM. Very well implemented, active & responsive dev, free version has everything you _need_ but its so damn useful I sub just to make sure it doesn't go away. <3
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I can not believe I waited a year to try this plug in. It is a literal game changer. It solves so many stock NAM UI annoyances that I can not imagine VAM without it. Full version is absolutely worth the patreon sub.
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My review is long overdue. I've been using UIassist for almost a year now and it's simplified scene, viewing, building, altering, etc just a great tool. Jay, thanks so much for your hard work.
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Nowadays, there are more and more features, which are not very user-friendly for users who are not good at English. Can we add a multilingual feature? For example, in Chinese.
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I like your work. One idea, since all UI plugins needs time to configure. VAM is in constant update about content: Looks, clothes essentialy. When we launch the app, what we want to see ? We want to try the new content. So let's go, you began to consume time to add the news content to the UI and so on ....
One idea would be to create for instance, two autoconfigurated panel, fueled only with the news content.
We could be able to keep our already configured screens, and the 2 lastest could be the autoconfigured, one for news apparences, and one for clothes for instance.
My 2 cents, keep up the good work.
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I'm an idiot for not having used this so far. I wanna sue past me for damages.
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You've saved me countless hours of scene tweaking and button pressing, not to mention other possibilities that were not possible before.
I can't use VAM without this any more.
My initial goal was to be able to change an appearance preset at random, now blown with all the other things I can do effortlessly.
Amazing job you did.
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One of the best plugins around that everyone should have by now.
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one of my favorite plugins, thank you for adding the target OFF atoms option
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More than anything else, this has enhanced the use of VAM for me.
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To modify the background image (thumbnail) of a single button, is there a specific requirement for the format and size of the thumbnail? Thanks.
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This plugin adds much convenience to the VaM experience. JayJayWon is responsive to user feedback and the updates increase the value of the plugin. mlbloom (AKA EdgyCuss)
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Would be impossible to use vam without this
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Thank you! I hope your work is integrated as part of VaM 2.0, but only if you're a valued partner. Cause everything you've done to date to make VaM more accessible is groundbreaking, and in my eyes fundamental.
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very good
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Incredible improvement to the VAM UI. While the free version is great, the paid version can do some very clever stuff. For example, if you have some standard plugins & settings you like to load on characters I would recommend the paid version.
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JJ I just started using the plugin as a Patron. I am very impressed and have just started to expand my menu for additional features. I have been working with VAM under a creator License for just under 8 months, and the UIAssit is has made it so much easier to manipulate and modify the creations of the Patrons I subscribe to for content with the looks and features I want to use for the content for my personal use. I have set up a studio room whee i can quickly take any model and thrum the use of your UI apply the presets of my choice in less then 5 or 6 clicks. Such a huge time saver. Please keep the new ideas coming, the tools you have created provide a path for higher productivity, and all of us can use a bit more time in or daily lives. Thanks again!
Thanks for the feedback. If you have the time it would be great if you could leave a review on the UIAssist (Free) resource page here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/uiassist-free.117/
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The patreon version is actually a must have for VAM. It's so good. Just get it. Go on now, I'll wait.
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