The public release of Tavern Trials is finally here! I'm sorry to everyone who eagerly waited for the early access to end for nothing to happen.

For personal reasons I don't think anyone cares about I was unable to access my computer for the last two weeks and to top it off my harddrive suddenly decided it didn't want to boot windows anymore. So I had to deal with possibly losing a lot of personal files as well as all of the progress I've made on several scenes over the last months... (how many posts like these have I seen only for me to become that idiot who doesn't backup their files regularly). Fortunatley for me now and for all of you in a bit of time, seems my mobo was at fault and all of the files were actually fine, phew...

Anyway, if you waited for the release of this scene I hope you have more fun with it than you were annoyed about the delayed release, have a good one and enjoy!
Big thanks to @hazmhox who figured out why the scene wouldn't start when having a VamStory version other than .15, so everything should be working as intended now.

I have also included a version of the scene without any story and just the sex positions/trials for everyone who wants to go right into some action. Have fun!
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