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Soundtrack audio sync

Plugins Soundtrack audio sync

Now you can modify someone elses scene by putting your own song instead of theirs. By experimenting with "Target Timescale" slider you can get motion capture to match a different song a little better.

Small bug fix too. No red error messages if you add this plugin before audio exists in the scene.
There is a feature that was broken that is useful for creators.

If you click "stop" on scene animation, this plugin will try and start the audio back up at the right time if you click "start" again. This has been broken since 1.20 and is now fixed.

Thank you @VamTimbo for reporting
new: support music that loops in animations that are longer than the song
new: you can add this to any atom in the scene now
new: automatically find the music offset when first adding the plugin to the scene (from longest audio clip found in scene animation triggers)
new: automatically find the audio source when first adding the plugin to the scene (from longest audio clip found in scene animation triggers)
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