Timeline Animation!
Very simple!!
Paid version:
Credits - Images&Video(Not include):
Oronan resources:
Thank you!!!
Timeline Animation!
Very simple!!
Paid version:
[Scene] Simple Animation 4.2 - Paid Scenes -
Hello! Very simple Timeline Animation!! [New!] [Update] 18 July, Added new animation [Update] 11 July, Added new animation Requirements: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/timeline.94/...
Timeline - Plugins -
Timeline ? Do you like Timeline? Support me on Patreon and get early access to new features: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39197180 ? Need help creating animations or want to share your works of art? Join us on Discord...
Hairstyles - Yurufuwa bob 08
Hello everyone. I'm sorry for the first time in a long time. The new hairstyle is here. Please enjoy this! Credits The costume in the photo by @YameteOuji and the pose by @klphgz. thank you very much.
【Plugin配布】スクリーンショット強化&FoVを制限解除する「Desktop Screenshot」を作りました
Virt A Mate(VaM)をデスクトップでプレイしている際のスクリーンショットを使いやすくするためのPlugin「Desktop Screenshot」を製作しました。FoVの制限解除にも便利です。
PostMagic - Plugins -
Admin Note: This plugin is specifically made for desktop use and as stated in the description only partially works in VR. If you wish to not have this plugin loaded at all you can permanently disable it from within the "Package Manager"...
BreastAutoGravity - Plugins -
Emulates the natural effect of gravity on the breasts. Supports full 360 degree pitch and roll of the model. ------------ Without Plugin --------------------------------------With Plugin------------------------- This version of the plugin uses...
Enhanced Eyes - Clothing -
OPEN FOR COMMISION WORK CONTACT DISCORD SERVER SUPPORT AT PATREON Enhanced Eyes! Release to public. HAPPY VAMMING Its Improvement over my old Eyeball Shadow, its has Better Eye morphs compatibility then old version. and has Nice GI/Light/Oppsite...
Oronan resources:
Resources by Oronan
Thank you!!!