It's better to have the script run from the root VaM folder than from AddonPackages, nothing else should be in AddonPackages besides VARs.
It's just a tiny change of the paths in the script and instructions but an important change nonetheless.
As usual, all the problems I had with Windows giving me errors running the script but not in a linux environment were due to having to specifiy the encoding scheme of the vap files. A few characters added and all the errors were gone 🤬
  • Now you can run it on a Windows command prompt just fine.
  • Instructions were updated for running a python script in Windows or using WSL
  • UI to select what presets you want to check for
  • Can check appearance, clothing and hair presets
Besides code optimisation and Windows specific changes, this script should be feature complete now. I can add more presets types if someone asks, I didn't because I barely have any beyond those three above and would make the script bigger for no benefit.
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