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Preset Definitions

Guides Preset Definitions

Updated General Preset entries for Plugins & Plugin parameters to more accurately reflect observed behaviour. Thanks to @everlaster for pointing out the necessary amendments
A couple for refinements:
  • Added Animation Presets (introduced in 1.20.77)
  • Refined Pose Presets to reflect an option to include Pose Morphs. Introduced since (thanks to @an3k for pointing that out)
In VAM version 1.20, a few changes were made to the presets system:
  • Plugin Presets were introduced
  • Node Presets now have the option to store bone positions
Thanks to @Spacedog for pointing out the Atom recording for Scene Animations is also stored in Legacy Presets
Refined Skin to show that Eyes and eyelash materials and textures are not included in a skin preset.
Thanks to @kemenate
Completed a first cut of this guide. I believe this is comprehensive and accurate, but welcome people to review and feedback!
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