
Plugins PosingHelper

It is what it is. A must have plugin.
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I've had this plugin for a while, but I didn't really use it till I wanted to do finger posing. This makes it so easy. Getting comfortable with the UI takes a session or two, but now I use it for all aspects of fine tuning a pose.
Great work!
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Great work ! very useful plugin !
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Awesome must have Plugin!
Would love if you could make the UI be freely moved.
currently you can only offset (X,Y) and scale it , but I agree it would be cool if you can drag it with the mouse. maybe next update??
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this plugin is a god send
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Must have! No better plugin for precise posing in VaM. If you don't have it you're missing out!
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Awesome Plugin. Must have! Thanks!
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Great plugin!!! Thank you. (I'm looking forward to using it in VR)
unfortunately the plugin doesn't support VR yet. i might add support someday.
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I've been using VAM since the beginning and because of that I've gotten used to the nightmare UI/UX so for me personally most plugins that change the way you interact with the UI make it harder and slower to create something. This plugin is a rare exception, it legitimately makes VAM easier and faster to use. IMO if you had to choose between something like VAMX and this plugin for being baked into VAM by default I would choose this plugin 10 out of 10 times and twice on Sunday.
I don't normally reply to reviews that aren't questions because I don't think it's necessary, but this made my day. Thanks for the awesome review.
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thank you so much
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I've been using your plugin in every scene i make.
But in this version i cant figure out which or where are symmetry and swap buttons.
every thing is in help menu, the symmetry button was replaced with an icon (the line with the two mirrod points) and swap is now done with shift+middle clicking the mouse. this update introduced a little learning curve bit i think it's for the better in the long run.
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This is now the best way to move, pose, and animate person atoms in desktop mode!
Slight learning curve, but once you get yourself familiar with all of its features and how to control them, it's the fastest and most comfy posing available either natively or on hub. And I've tried all of it.
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Super useful plugin for me.
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Soo stinkin' helpful! TYVM!
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Love it! Makes posing much easier
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As a HS2 and koikatsu User this makes posing in Vam perfect for me now thanks for this awesome plugin!
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As a HS2 user, this is perfect.
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Very useful for posing
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The symetry and link buttons are a game changer!
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Great tool for creating new poses!
Version 8 Broke the ability to use it in VR though =(
Limb Mirroring and swapping only works if the model is facing forward. (Y Rotation = 0)
sorry to hear that, I try will fixing it asap
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