Rachel Hair from Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Bangs are in cloths section
Ponytails are in hairs section
Some clipping issues here and there, its game rendering issue, hardly able to fix at this time, try avoid certain angles. screenshot composed with wind and adjusted physics settings.
Bangs are in cloths section
Ponytails are in hairs section
Some clipping issues here and there, its game rendering issue, hardly able to fix at this time, try avoid certain angles. screenshot composed with wind and adjusted physics settings.
Clothing - Favor Earrings
Here is how I was able to preserve some of the rigidity of the shape for clothing import, it worth a write-up, but no time for that currently. Talk to me if you need to learn how to do it for your cloth. 3D Sketchup Preview...
Anaconda Outfit [Updated with more customizations and fixes] - Clothing -
Updated 2/11 With More customization Options: More Lewd Version Smoother Version Separated Chain Necklace New Necklace Frills Update the Earrings materials texture Fixed issue with PostMagic Bloom White Box on Bottom Fixed issue with extra...