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Music Sex Scenes - A Recommended Best List

Guides Music Sex Scenes - A Recommended Best List

Wow, this is a great list! I think it's amazing how many other people I hear from that all say the same or similar: Hip Venus is what got me hooked. I'm in that boat! I was already making my own scenes before I found it, but I have to credit abs tits' scene as being the catalyst for pretty much every resource I've shared since.

Thank you for including a couple of my scenes in your list. I am truly honored!
For real Hip Venus was such a good introduction, and welcome back and please keep making more!
Upvote 1
Its an honor to be mentioned, thinoreos sensei 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️. I still have long way to go.
Please never stop making the music ones!
Upvote 1
Great list! Alot of scenes to learn from here.
Upvote 0
A. This list is a great idea. Thanks for putting this together. I've probably spent hours searching for just such scenes because they don't always show up in the most popular list (or maybe only after page 10 or 20), but it's easily my favorite VaM genre. You've got some of my favorites but also a couple scenes I'd missed. So, much gras.
B. (I probably should have led with this) I'm on the list!?!?! You just made my day! And, I'm not trying to influence the judging or anything, but in case you haven't already, check out 'Harry Nelson Day 7 Scene 4' : https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/harry-nelson-and-the-sorcerers-bone-day7.28548/ (The Finale - 3 way in space). The music sex bit doesn't start until a few minutes into scene 4 but once it does it gets pretty awesome (IMHO). Maybe it doesn't technically meet the criteria of the list but I consider it my magnum opus.
Just played it, the final scene is great! You should consider making it a scene on it's own, I know it's in a series and all but it's great
Upvote 1
Nice collection of recomendation.
Here are some of my fav

Athena_Mocap - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/model-athena-2-mocaps.13876/
Beautiful scene with smooth animation.

The mountain Goddess Love - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/c-g-studio-the-mountain-goddess-love-xmas-gift.41781/
Amazing scene. Still couldnt believe its free lol!!

On Fire - Collab with VamTimbo - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/on-fire-collab-with-vamtimbo.37365/
Another epic dance scene!

SexoBeat2022, sexobeat premium and sexobeat chill -
Amazing lighting and some of the best dance mocaps

Well practically anything comming from C&G Studios, ReignMocap or VamTimo and CuddleMocap can make it to any list on a give day depending on your preference.

I like excellently choreographed dance scenes over sex scenes so these are my preferences.
Thank you. Love those scenes, however those are dance scenes, not Sex scenes, which are specific for these. Could make a separate list just for Dance
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ReignMocap - SexoBeat 2022 (Paid) is a good one. I believe theres a free lite version as well
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Would love to see more guides like this on the Hub. Every time I filter the Scenes tab a little differently, I always find something I never saw before, but stuff like this helps reduce the looking
Thank you, I agree!
Upvote 1
Good idea!

But, as mentioned already, C&G Studio definitely belongs on the list.

Also: What exactly is a Music Sex Scene? A Sex Scene synched with the music? If so, pretty much only Vamurai and Ascorad come to mind.

Or is it a Sex Scene that also offers some rad music? If so, lots of others come to mind: TGC's In The Club for example, or Vihper's Club scene etcetc.
You're right it's a sex scene synced with music, updated in the description thank you!
Upvote 2
I have been selected!
Thank you, sir!
No, we all thank you!
Upvote 2
Thank you so much :) I'm honored to be listed on here! Hip Venus was huge inspiration for me and is certainly in a well-deserved spot on your list. I would definitely recommend adding Panic Room by Vamurai to the list also. That one is my personal favorite music-driven scene <3
Thank you looking forward to your future music scenes! Yes Panic Room is great added that
Upvote 1
All these scenes and creators are great, but not mention by C&G Studio or AlpacaLaps are big glaring omissions in this list.
The list has been updated since last year to include lots of C&G & Alpaca
Upvote 1
Thanks for the guide. Hip Venus is so good. :)
No worries, it's amazing!
Upvote 1
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