Package number 5 of our series with Mothers and Daughters! I get really turned on every time I create these mother/daughter pairs so look out for more lol
Melissa (37) and Audrey (19) from Smalltown, Ohio. Melissa is a bored stay at home mom while her daughter Audrey is at college. Mother and daughter engage in many physical activities together, like yoga practice and going to the gym. That is why their bodies are in great shape. Melissa raised her daughter as a God-fearing Republican and they're both members of the party and do campaign work. Melissa is an elected member of the School Board.
Thanks to Hunting Succubus for Eye Shadows and reflections and kemenate for additional morphs and makeup. Thanks to NoStage3 for the hairstyles! Thanks to AcidBubbles for SpawnPoint.
Kemenate Morphs:
Hunting Sccubus Eyeball Shadows and reflections:
NoStage3 Hair Long side 3.1:–-long-side-3.3637/overview-panel
NoStage3 Lean Bob:–-lean-bob-2-with-bangs-5.463/overview-panel
Place in AddonPackages. In VAM navigate to Mother_And_Daughter_V.var and run Melissa and Audrey.json