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Plugins MocapSwitcher

Very useful thank you
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One of my most used plugins. Great for assembling multi-person scenes. Thank you for this one and all your work.
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Great app!

Future upgrade recommendation:
Editing mocap . . . being able to append or remove sections of the mocap.
Right now, we cannot simply cut out a section of the mocap. We can remove a section of the beginning or the end . . . but not in between.
As well, would be nice to cut and paste parts of the mocap.
Thanks for the review! Not a bad idea. You could also try importing the scene animation into Timeline for editing.
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In my top 3 of 100's of other plugins, thank you for crafting this!
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Works as advertised. Has anyone figured out an efficient way to use this to cycle through 2 atom mocaps? Having them teleport to different locations makes the repositioning clunky and potentially less time to just load the scene the mocap pertains to. JayJayWon's uiassist can make cycling through them quick, but the positioning is lost.
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ok I will check for your patreon page.
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Amazing, thank you.
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Very easy to use and straightforward plugin.
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Easy to use, works great, thanks for putting this together and updating it.
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WOW excellent, we can create now a library of MoCap ! Thank you so much man ! A must have.
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I was wondering how to do that. We need a plugin for this. And here it is. Great, thanks!
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wow! Thank you so much for making and sharing this, it makes life easier <3
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Thank you so much for this!
Mocaps are my main thing in VAM. I've been doing my own work arounds for some time now.
This awesome plugin makes it so much simpler and quicker. :)
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Simply Greatness! Thank you!
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Amazing ty
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