Meet Misaki Takemura, the sister of Goro Takemura, emerged from the shadows of Night City. Born into a family with a long history of service to the powerful Arasaka Corporation, Misaki was destined to follow in her family's footsteps and become a loyal employee of the renowned mega-corporation.
Misaki is a fictional character that I made up. She is supposed to look like a character from Cyberpunk and brings a lot of new cybernetic parts to vam that you can also use on other characters too. The cybernetic parts on her Belly, Hands and Face are clothing overlays, so you can combine them easily with other skin textures.
The package includes everything you see in the images above:
Misaki Look
Arasaka coat
Small corporate style environment
Cyberpunk Computer Game | IDRA by Alex-Productions |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
Slayer hair by ROAC, license: CC-BY
Luminestrial.StandingPosePack.1:My Poses/Standing Pose Pack/Pose 29
klphgz.Sitting_Pose(001-064).2:【Sitting Pose 001-064】/02
Misaki is a fictional character that I made up. She is supposed to look like a character from Cyberpunk and brings a lot of new cybernetic parts to vam that you can also use on other characters too. The cybernetic parts on her Belly, Hands and Face are clothing overlays, so you can combine them easily with other skin textures.
The package includes everything you see in the images above:
Misaki Look
Arasaka coat
Small corporate style environment
Cyberpunk Computer Game | IDRA by Alex-Productions |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
Slayer hair by ROAC, license: CC-BY
Luminestrial.StandingPosePack.1:My Poses/Standing Pose Pack/Pose 29
klphgz.Sitting_Pose(001-064).2:【Sitting Pose 001-064】/02