I've made a milking machine lab and fooled around trying to animate it.
For the moment, the dependencies list is pretty long and includes scenes from WeebUVR and other creators, and I can't seem to find a way to delete what is now useless in the scene, but that I used previously.
In the second scene, I tried to implement a way to use Tempest TCode to match the movement of the machine. Still not quite there, but at least there is an animation pattern in the scene that matches the machine's ups and downs.
If there's any problems with copyright infringement let me know and I will take down the scene.
I made it for myself, but now I just thought I'd share it just in case.
Big thanks to WeebUVR for a LOT of resources, Norm for the Kukan machine and MvFF for the futa skin
Lab v2
With futa
More general view
Lab v1 (older version)
For the moment, the dependencies list is pretty long and includes scenes from WeebUVR and other creators, and I can't seem to find a way to delete what is now useless in the scene, but that I used previously.
In the second scene, I tried to implement a way to use Tempest TCode to match the movement of the machine. Still not quite there, but at least there is an animation pattern in the scene that matches the machine's ups and downs.
If there's any problems with copyright infringement let me know and I will take down the scene.
I made it for myself, but now I just thought I'd share it just in case.
Big thanks to WeebUVR for a LOT of resources, Norm for the Kukan machine and MvFF for the futa skin
Lab v2
With futa
More general view
Lab v1 (older version)