Hey guys! This is my first scene so go easy on me HAHA - Basically trying to get some feedback on how to make this better? Let me know! We have Lahna giving Kierra a good riding with a nice big load from both ladies.
Working on cutting down the dependencies for the final version. 4 other positions will be included.
Turn off high quality physics
Hit Stop/Reset first
Hit Start
Enjoy/Hit cum when ready
Thanks to the below for all your hard work
AshAuryn - https://patreon.com/ashauryn
Captain Varghoss - https://www.patreon.com/captainvarghoss
ClockwiseSilver - https://www.patreon.com/ClockwiseSilver
Damarmau - https://www.patreon.com/damarmau
JayJayWon - https://www.patreon.com/JayJayWon
MacGruber - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/life.165/
Skippy - cumclothing on the hub
WeebU - https://www.patreon.com/WeebUVR
Working on cutting down the dependencies for the final version. 4 other positions will be included.
Turn off high quality physics
Hit Stop/Reset first
Hit Start
Enjoy/Hit cum when ready
Thanks to the below for all your hard work
GitHub - acidbubbles/vam-timeline: Advanced and intuitive keyframe animations for Virt-A-Mate
Advanced and intuitive keyframe animations for Virt-A-Mate - acidbubbles/vam-timeline
GitHub - acidbubbles/vam-collider-editor: Configures and customizes collisions (rigidbodies and colliders).
Configures and customizes collisions (rigidbodies and colliders). - GitHub - acidbubbles/vam-collider-editor: Configures and customizes collisions (rigidbodies and colliders).
GitHub - acidbubbles/vam-embody: Plugins to improve possession experience (include Improved PoV, Passenger and Snug)
Plugins to improve possession experience (include Improved PoV, Passenger and Snug) - GitHub - acidbubbles/vam-embody: Plugins to improve possession experience (include Improved PoV, Passenger and ...
AshAuryn - https://patreon.com/ashauryn
Captain Varghoss - https://www.patreon.com/captainvarghoss
ClockwiseSilver - https://www.patreon.com/ClockwiseSilver
Damarmau - https://www.patreon.com/damarmau
JayJayWon - https://www.patreon.com/JayJayWon
MacGruber - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/life.165/
Skippy - cumclothing on the hub
WeebU - https://www.patreon.com/WeebUVR