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Easy Hair Collider Guide

Guides Easy Hair Collider Guide


Some of you I'm sure are aware of this little trick, but for everyone else, maybe this will come in handy for you. Personally, futas really aren't my thing, but I don't kink shame. It's all in good fun, right? :)

I decided to create this guide after reading some fellow vammers talking about how the clipping issue with futa breasts can be immersion breaking. I've known about (and used) this trick for quite a while on hairstyles that have rogue strands that constantly clip through parts of the female's face, but are otherwise perfect. I realized that the trick I'd been using for that could also benefit the futa fans out there, so here goes. And again, there are probably a lot of you out there that already know this, but for everyone else, here's how to create colliders that reliably block hair from clipping through breasts (or any other body part), so you can give your futas longer hairstyles! •‿•

So here's the trick. Two of the basic shapes, the Capsule and the Sphere (not the ones that start with "IS") collide with hair regardless of whether collision is on, seen here:

Collision is also off for the Capsule shown below:

Don't ask me why ISSphere or ISCapsule doesn't work the same way. I think I've figured out why these specific shapes have this particular feature. I could be way off, but I think what's going on is the capsule is the shape used for the hair tools (if you've never played around with the hair tools, you're missing out. It can be incredibly soothing for some reason). Anyway, I think that because the capsule has the base function of being able to manipulate hair, those characteristics carried over to the regular shape itself, and as for the sphere, well a sphere is just a capsule with one axis set to 1, so maybe that's why. I dunno. I just wanted to dump that here and maybe someone who knows better can correct me. It was driving me nuts for some reason. I have no idea, but Sphere and Capsule do have this feature. To my knowledge, none of the other shapes do, including the Cube.

The easiest way to utilize this is to create a couple of spheres, scale them down and move them to the rPectoral & lPectoral of your futa, then adjust them until they completely encompass each breast. The collision is a bit "soft" for these shapes, so you'll need to expand them a little larger than the surface of the skin.

Obviously, all breasts won't work with just a standard sphere, so if you're a perfectionist like me, you can do the following to create a more custom shape: (I know, I know I said without plugins, but this is optional)

When all is said and done, physics link each sphere to its associated pectoral and bump down the alpha to make them invisible.

I included a demo scene in this guide in case you want to take a closer look at everything. If you don't care to download, here's a quick demo video of the difference between the on and off state of the spheres from the screenshots.

Special thanks to @kevinBurinn. The Tips on Making a Hole guide provided a way to make the cool sliding door effect you'll see in the demo scene. Thanks man!

Enjoy! ?
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WoW ok thanks for that info. i knew of slate for like a pillow but i never thought of this b4. Ascorad you are a genius. ohhh and your timeline tutorial was very very helpful
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Excellent guide ESPECIALLY considering that this works for sim clothing as well!
If only someone would work on a plugin that could perhaps automate this process?
I put some notes and a screenshot in the discussion
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Amazing trick. And it works with sim clothes too !
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I had no idea you could do this. Thanks alot!!
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Great guide! I would like to add that this trick can also be used for ''hard to work with'' sim enabled clothes that are clipping alot even with setting adjustments.
Thank you! :) And thank you for reviewing!
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Oh, man, I didn't know that the plain sphere/capsule collide with hair. Great for fixing all sort of hair problems! Thank you!
You're welcome! Thanks for the review!
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